Weird times indeed. So often in Michigan summer is a blink of an eye, perhaps a couple rare 90 degree days, I'm sure this is a record streak of warm days. As runners we need to respect the heat, yes, it can kill you. Run smart, find a shady route, do short loops so you can bail and drink more than just water, the danger goes up when you drink tons of water and flush your body of the minerals that keep your heat ticking straight. That said, as I have said, I love extremes. Yep, a 3 mile run can bring on a feeling of danger and adventure when it's 90 and humid or -10 and windy! Plan for it, run smart but don't miss the opportunity! Dig it.
Run smart,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is dreaming up a new triathlon event that includes a run, chugging a cold beer and skinny dipping!