2022.07.06 - Running Green

randylibertytrashI love when almost nothing adds up to something. RF Events statistics for diverting trash from the landfill are a great example. At the Canton Liberty Festival, 555 runners left behind 125lbs of total waste. Only 7 ounces, which I'm holding here, went to the landfill, a 99.7 % diversion rate. This was about the same for the Hightail to Ale 5K in Detroit, with also less than a pound of waste and a 99% diversion rate. Yes, it’s a lot of sorting and weighing but I’m proud of this commitment. I invite you to see the Zero Waste team in action, perhaps on Friday July 29th at the Oberun 5k in Ypsilanti. Run or perhaps volunteer to sort waste, with a beer in hand, on us! Or if wine is more your style, join us on August 13 at Running Between the Vines, 5K, 5 miles or 13.1 miles at Sandhill Crane Winery just west of Ann Arbor.

Run with purpose,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who tries to pick up at least some bit of trash on the daily run.


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