Burned out? No way!

Burned Out? NO WAY! How can anyone burn out on running? Time to shake things up!

  • Plan tomorrow's run for 10 PM ... if you normally run in the morning.
  • Run in the woods, if you normally run on the road. How about Maybury State Park at 8 Mile and Beck? The trail is awesome! Especially in the dark with a headlamp!
  • Start and finish your run at a lake and dive in ... preferably naked! Yikes!
  • Try some GU, new shoes, new route, new run partner or run with a group. Click here for group runs at Running Fit stores.
  • Go to a high school track at night and put some beer along the track. Do a few easy, or hard, miles. Finish with a cool down walk with beer in hand. Seeing the beer on each lap is may inspire you.
  • Run a race. Don't even make plans; just find one on line (runmichigan.com) and go!
  • Get someone to drop you off a long way from home with no way to get back but to run!
  • Drive to a spot some evening then run home. In the morning, run back and get your car!

Run Wild,
Randy Step


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