October 15, 2008 - Yikes, its the Detroit Freep Marathon week!

Yo Run Gang,

Yikes, its the Detroit Freep Marathon week! For those of you who put in the long hard miles all summer and will tow the line this Sunday for the full or half marathon, congratulations! All the work is done and the marathon will just be icing on the cake, enjoy. For those of you who did not get in your training miles but are still going to line up Sunday, you will be doing all the work on race day, good luck!

For those of us on the marathon side lines, we are envious of your dedication to training and you inspire us to perhaps consider the marathon or half marathon next year. For you first timers, to increase your chances of marathon success and have the motivation to get in those miles, consider joining the 501 marathon training class at Running Fit. Classes will form in January preparing you for a spring marathon, and in June preparing you for next years fall marathons. Go to www.runningfit501.com and take the plunge!

Running Fits Scrambled Legs BBQ!

Post Freep Marathon party takes place at Bookies Tavern! After your run, come join the party and share your war stories with people who want to hear about it! Bookies will be the place to be! Bookies Tavern is at 1265 Washington Blvd., right back at the starting line! The Head Goat extends his personal invitation for you to join the Running Fit gang for this Barb-B-Q beer bash. Heck, you deserve a reward! Family, friends, spectators, volunteers and street people welcome.

Get out and run!

Randy Step
Head Goat and Obsessed Runner


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