June 3, 2009 - Packing my run gear today took all of 10 seconds!

Yo Run Gang,

Packing my run gear today took all of 10 seconds, as apposed to a winter morning where I go through every scenario of what I might need and end up packing a bag that looks like Im leaving for vacation. I love the simplicity of summer running, a minimal bag with shoes, socks, shorts and top. I also love the minimal laundry. One of lifes simple pleasures just got simpler!

On a less simple note, Im sure many of you are type As, who have a hard time with the speed limit, saying no to anything and not doing everything to excess Yet, we are attracted to a sport where patience is required at every turn. Patience needed while slowly building up our weekly mileage, while tapering for a race, while recovering from a race, while holding back the pace during the beginning of a race, while dealing with injuries and the list goes on . No real point here, just an observation, AS I PATIENTLY RECOVER FROM MY MARATHON, NOT RUNNING HARD OR LONG FOR A COUPLE WEEKS, AND TRYING NOT TO SHOOT MYSELF!

Of course, with my easy run schedule I have time to yes and to take on a new mission, and to trick I mean to encourage, other into joining me! Click this LINK if you want to get sucked in!

Enjoy every mile,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner with time to do more


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