2013-03-13 - Make the long run easy

Yo run gang,
March 13, 2013

Not all miles are created equal. For example, a 6 mile run with friends can seem shorter than a 6 mile run alone, and 6 miles in a race might be the longest 6 miles you will ever encounter ... especially those last 6 miles in a marathon, or getting lost on a 3 mile run that turns into 6 or....

You get the point; it's not only the distance but the mindset that affects the run.

One trick I sometimes use is to show up early and run 5 miles before joining friends for a 5 mile run. Another fun way to get in your long run is to include a race in your total mileage; not a race that you want to run seriously - like planning to set a PR - but let's say you are training for a half marathon  and the schedule calls for an 10 mile run the same weekend as a very fun 10K that you don't usually miss. Plan your long run around it and get in 4 miles before lining up at the start, doing the last 6 in the race setting can make for a motivational finish to the long run! You will find it a huge mental advantage running along with people that are only at mile 3 knowing you are at already at mile 7 of your own 10 mile secret event! You are a running God!

Make the run fun,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner until the end.


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