I repeat the important stuff ... Don't let Ego get in the way of your complete enjoyment of this running life! EVER! Even as an obsessed, life-long runner, when I read a FB posting by someone who just ran a fast 15 mile training run at zero degrees, or any run longer, faster or in conditions that I am currently not capable of running in, I can't help but start to compare myself and get my envy up. Worse yet is to get caught up running with a friend or group at a pace or distance that I should not be running, risking injury. We can NEVER compare ourselves to others, we have different genetics and different life experiences that include past injuries, time restraints, responsibilities and countless variables that play a part in the unique person we are.. We are a study of one (N=1) We need to remember how cool that is as we continue to learn who we are and where we fit into this world. We are each a unique puzzle piece needed to complete history.
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who runs pretty well in the heat, just sayin'...
PS: Add some spontaneity to your life and join me in Dade City, Florida on March 7th for a bit of trail running. Dances With Dirt is a full moon weekend mid-winter escape. Fly to Tampa, a 50 minute drive Dirt Quarters!
PS: LADIES ONLY: Starting next Wednesday the 25th, Join us every Wednesday morning at 8am from Running Fit Northville for "Coffee and Sneakers" a women's only group run followed by coffee and conversation.