2022.11.02 - Late season running

randy potoNot to worry, the weather will change and getting our butts out the door will become a serious challenge, a challenge we will take head on! Time to get the winter gear in order, bring it on! Next comes the season filled with running traditions, starting with the Turkey Trots. Thanksgiving is the biggest day in the running year with the most events and greatest number of participants! Of course, I’m partial to the Ann Arbor TT … We finish our year with the small town Holiday runs like Dexter’s Holiday Hustle and thousands of others with reindeer, snowflakes, frost, Dickens and Santas in their titles. These runs are seriously not intimidating fun runs with walkers, plodders, costumes, and smiles. One of the greatest gifts we can give is to invite our non-running family and friends to join us, perhaps starting a tradition and changing lives forever. Ho, Ho, Go!

Every healthy day is a gift, don’t squander them!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner writing about winter just after finishing a sweaty fall run in shorts! Ok, now for some shameless plugs! Ann Arbor Turkey Trot, Dexter Holiday Hustle including, new this year, a half marathon! Last but not least, MY BOOK! I promise it will be an important tool to getting your butt out the door this winter!

2022.10.12 - Your run might save a life

randy trailI’ve been in Florida since the day Hurricane Ian hit our second home here, I’ve never spent time on the front lines of a disaster and it’s harder than I could have imagined. I am dirty, tired but safe. The marathon mentality and fitness level from being a runner has got me through and kept me going. It’s a high tech modern world that makes it easy to forget that you might be in a situation that your fitness level can save your life or lives of others. Let’s get our butts out the door so we can be the ones to help, perhaps not being the one needing help. That said, I feel for those who have only one home and have lost everything. The incredible outpouring of support down here is humbling. We live in a great country with great people. Every day I’ve had people volunteering to save our home. They come door to door asking if we need help. They deliver hot lunches, water and lift spirits, and make me smile and cry. 

Run forever,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is feeling grateful.

2022.09.28 - Undertrained, so what!

randy freepFor those of us running long in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Chicago or wherever, this is no time to second think our training. It’s rare that training goes as planned. We can’t change it now so it’s time to accept that whatever kind of miles we got in, we need to come up with a realistic plan of how to run our race, not, on what we hoped. I’ve said it before, if you go in undertrained you have nothing to lose, those who are well trained are at risk of blowing all the work they have done! Ha. That said, those who did the work, I’m proud of you already. Run smart, follow your plan and enjoy your race! The rest of us will do the work on race day, not ideal but it will be an adventure, perhaps a painful and long adventure but we will cross the same finish line and will learn a bit about ourselves. Good stuff. Run smart and laugh at yourself when sh##t hits the fan and remember, this is what we do for fun!

Keep moving forward,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who just missed 5 weeks of running but will line up for the marathon in Detroit. A race I have run in 2:46 and will be thrilled if I walk, run and slog it in twice that time!

2022.09.14 - Thank you for running

randy trailThanks to you, RF Events has survived as a company and made it out of the Covid darkness and into the light! It struck me this past weekend at Run Woodstock when I found myself, finally, not worrying about the future but just doing what I love, that is, putting on incredible events with our incredible crew for our faithful participants. Living life in full color again, finally not loosing sleep wondering how we would get back to this point but loosing sleep pulling off a labor of love. To be back fully aware of and sharing the emotional wonder of the finish line where goals are being met and lives are being changed forever. Your victories have never felt so sweet. We are really back. We were and are still humbled by the generosity shown by you in our pay what you can monthly challenges, entering our virtual events and buying my book. For those of you who donated your entry fees back to us rather than deferring it … I am humbled and tearing up as I type this. Our running community is just wonderful, thank you for making it so.


Now, get your butt out that door, I’ll see you at the finish line,


Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is feeling grateful for so much, because of running and because of you.

2022.08.24 - Peace, Love and Running

randy hippieRun Woodstock is just over 2 weeks away, the weekend of September 9-10. For sure my favorite event of the fitness year, a celebration of our sport like no other in a pure Michigan forest setting. A weekend of runs, walks, yoga, campfires, and live music. Due to the long cut off times for the ultramarathons, those of us who want to just hike can take all the time we want. For example, you can take up to 10 hours to finish the half marathon, and yes, you still get a medal! Last year’s event donated over $9,000 to Washtenaw Promise and will beat that this year. An amazing nonprofit that gives preschool kids in the Ypsilanti and Willow Run districts a leg up, areas with many below the poverty level. WP matches these kids with college students as mentors and also sends these kids a book a month, very far out stuff!

There are campsites available for the weekend so grab one today and get ready to set your soul free. Even if you don’t camp, I promise a weekend of natures healing properties will cleanse the soul. Dig?

Peace out,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner whose inner hippie is ready to join yours at the commune!

2022.08.10- To run or not to run

randy dwdTo run or not to run, when fighting some kind of cold or sickness, that seems to be the question. My very unscientific thought on this is that if the sickness leaves you feeling as wiped out as if you'd just finished a long run, no matter what the schedule calls for, it's better to give the body a rest. That said, might there be be some value in a short run that has you get your heart rate up a bit, enough to break a sweat but not enough to add to your fatigue? Perhaps getting the metabolism going enough to help move the cold along? That is the route I follow but again, it’s not based in science, just my gut feeling. Then again, if you feel like you’re in a hole, I would think digging the hole deeper will make it harder to crawl out.

Run as smart as you can,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who obsesses over this kind of dilemma.

2022.07.2 - Don't miss the best runners in the world

Randy Racing GearThe Track and Field World Championships are taking place in Eugene, Oregon as I write this. Eugene is the running capital of the USA, where every track meet at University of Oregon’s Hayward Field is a sellout, season tickets are priceless, and the football team plays a distant second fiddle to running. Got to love Oregon! A highlight, 3 American women placed in the top 10 for the marathon, all running low 2:20’s with Sara Hall leading the way in 5th place overall in 2:22:10. If you have not been following the meet, perhaps check out a replay of a distance event on YouTube to be inspired, like the women’s marathon or the men’s 10K where American Grant Fisher placed 4th in 27:28. As runners, we can relate to the best in the world on some level. What they are doing is what we do, that is, to train, to race, and to challenge ourselves. We are not armchair athletes, we do it, we get it! Enjoy!

Got to remember to respect the heat and humidity, it slapped me around pretty good today. Ouch. Run smarter than me,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, and a runner, just like you!

2022.07.14 - Run and suffer

randy freep2At the end of a long run that goes well, I get a feeling like I won the lottery. Most times I head out for these runs with such intrepidation, knowing from past long runs, that so often they end up ugly and that chances are slim that it’s going to be fun, not to mention, how brutally hard the long run can get. Any sane person who reads what I just wrote is thinking, why the hell do this at all? Fortunately, we know that ugly or gorgeous, the satisfaction we get when the long run is over is always sweet, and unfortunately, the only way to get to that sweet spot is to suffer.
Suffer well my running family!
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who had a rare good long run this morning with just the perfect mix of pain, fatigue and glory. On another note, I know on a beautiful summer day who can think of booking a trip to Jamaica in January? The fact is without planning, nothing happens. Join me in Jamaica for a week of running, walking and laying around!

2022.07.06 - Running Green

randylibertytrashI love when almost nothing adds up to something. RF Events statistics for diverting trash from the landfill are a great example. At the Canton Liberty Festival, 555 runners left behind 125lbs of total waste. Only 7 ounces, which I'm holding here, went to the landfill, a 99.7 % diversion rate. This was about the same for the Hightail to Ale 5K in Detroit, with also less than a pound of waste and a 99% diversion rate. Yes, it’s a lot of sorting and weighing but I’m proud of this commitment. I invite you to see the Zero Waste team in action, perhaps on Friday July 29th at the Oberun 5k in Ypsilanti. Run or perhaps volunteer to sort waste, with a beer in hand, on us! Or if wine is more your style, join us on August 13 at Running Between the Vines, 5K, 5 miles or 13.1 miles at Sandhill Crane Winery just west of Ann Arbor.

Run with purpose,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who tries to pick up at least some bit of trash on the daily run.

2022.06.29 - Sign up to run!

randy freepI’m sure I’m not alone on this but when I’m not signed up for an event, my running get’s pretty haphazard. It’s not like I strictly follow a schedule, but when I commit to an event I pretty much think of it daily. Knowing the kind of miles I need to put in to be ready, helps dictate the days run and the weeks totals. With a fall marathon looming 4 months out, I know it’s time to up my mileage and long runs, now. That said, the best time to sign up for a big event is the day after you finish one! Without goals, you can’t reach one.
Keep the hammer down and the fire lit,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner with a goal. 

A New Book from the Obsessed Runner Himself

Get Your Butt Out The Door