2020.10.07 - Is Running Starting to Suck?

randy dwdIt can happen, not all at once but a feeling sneaks in slowly over time, you decide that running is just not fun anymore. You find yourself bored and thinking only of the time you have left to get it over with, you start to think of other things you would rather be doing in life. I’m guessing this kind of funk happens in all areas of our lives, kind of like a mid-life crisis. For me, I equate it to a minister doubting the existence of God at some point. I have watched other running friends face these demons and how it played out. To turn this monster, runaway train thought pattern around it might take hitting running rock bottom for some of us to finally throw on the brakes and stopping, cold turkey. I believe this gap, or call it a void, might be needed for some of us to see past the negative thoughts to be a born again runner? Perhaps stopping running for enough time to realize all that we have lost by not running might be necessary to re-kindle the flame. Perhaps reading about this scenario might save you the pain, get out there today and focus on all that that is right with your run, the glory of the run, a run you control, perhaps avoiding this negative rabbit hole all together.

Shine a light on your run today,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who can’t wait to get out the door and experience the joy of my run and all that is good because of it.


2020.09.03 - Virtual Shmirtual

randy bridgesI was never a fan of virtual races, having always seen race day as a time to gather with kindred spirits, those who train and get in their runs and know what it takes to get to the starting line. We run on our own for most of our miles, events are a celebration of what we do. We line up and give our best, to honor ourselves and our running community.

That said, without races, due to covid, I now admit to getting motivated out that door by the online challenges! I admire the creative themes but mostly my motivation comes from the FB Challenge groups where participants share their personal success, and what I find the most valuable, their struggles. For now, we can be there for each other on social media, soon, I hope to toe the line with all of you again.

Run safe, run proud,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who “likes” every mile you put in.


2020.07.09 - Heat Kills

randy flowersWeird times indeed. So often in Michigan summer is a blink of an eye, perhaps a couple rare 90 degree days, I'm sure this is a record streak of warm days. As runners we need to respect the heat, yes, it can kill you. Run smart, find a shady route, do short loops so you can bail and drink more than just water, the danger goes up when you drink tons of water and flush your body of the minerals that keep your heat ticking straight. That said, as I have said, I love extremes. Yep, a 3 mile run can bring on a feeling of danger and adventure when it's 90 and humid or -10 and windy! Plan for it, run smart but don't miss the opportunity! Dig it.

Run smart,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is dreaming up a new triathlon event that includes a run, chugging a cold beer and skinny dipping!

2020.07.01 - Run smart, run cool

randy bridgesRare for Michigan, the weather predicts a couple warm weeks in a row. It helps if you can get out early or late in the day. For sure, haded paths are the place to be. Yep, the flies and bugs are heavy on the trails but I ran long today with bug spray and fly tape on my hat and they become a non-issue. Once a fly is on the tape, all flies go to the tape, lemmings ... Just look for 'Tread Not' deerfly patches, made in Michigan! On another note, when you train for a race that is canceled, the miles are not wasted. Every mile you run becomes a part of who you are, not just the fitness aspect but the cumulative miles of a lifetime have taught you to handle and respect extremes like weather and pain, failure and success. Long miles prepare us for long term hardships and have taught us to be patient, knowing the joy will return.

Run smart, run cool, run with hope and never stop,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who knows my daily run is never wasted.

2020.06.24 - Will Run for Beer

randy dirtshirtOut on my run today I came across some flags in the woods, the kind we mark our trail races with. My heart soared, then sank. My first thought was, trail race! My next thought was, canceled race and the reality of our world. There are some small events getting back on their feet with the 100 person limit and more to come as the limit gets raised to 250 after July 4th. Our first foray back to live events will be the Pterodactyl Triathlon (fingers crossed). In the interim, I must admit, I've been enjoying the challenges the RF Events Crew have created. Like many of you, my mileage in May was way up with the Head Goat challenge and June's Stay Cay is fun, motivating and educational. This virtual Michigan touring has me excited to see more of Pure Michigan in person. My must visit bucket list is growing! The next challenge the RF Event Crew has for you includes BEER!

2020.05.14 - In a Funk

randy dirtshirtFrom social media posts it looks like runners are falling into three groups, those who are running more miles than they have in years due to covid restrictions, those who are in a low mileage funk, or funk in life in general, then there are runners who fall on and off the running wagon, trying to be positive but perhaps crashing motivationally as new restrictions come up. For sure, those of us training for a future event that is uncertain have had the wind taken out of our sails so often have now lost that tool in our get our butt out the door box. I know many of you are streaking along with us in the Head Goat 50K in May and that sure is helping to get in some miles knowing we are not in this alone. RF Events will launch a new challenge for June, consider joining us, especially if you are in the last two camps, in a funk or in and out of a funk. The challenge will be announced soon and because it come from a group of runners who are experts in event motivation and goal setting, it is sure to be creative, fun and motivating (Seriously... we are all excited to participate ourselves- IT IS AWESOME)! Some good news, the covid numbers in Michigan are way down, even with increased testing, the percentage of positive cases is in the single digits for the past 7 days, down from the 30% positive test days. Laugh at the weather and get out that door, Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is waiting for the full force of today's rain to be falling before heading out, because ... Why not!

2020.05.21 - Challenging Times

   randy dirtshirtStand-up comic Jerry Seinfeld made a great point. When someone drops dead doing something they love, people always say, at least he died doing what he loves. Better that you drop dead doing something that you hate, let's say, like cleaning out the garage, that way as you are falling dead you can be thinking, at least I never have to clean this darn garage again! Funny stuff but got me thinking, as an obsessed runner, event guy, better that I don't drop dead running because it would be a cast a bad image over the sport we love. I'll do my best not to but there are no guarantees! On another note, for those of you that are streaking with us through May in the Head Goat Challenge, you know what a valuable tool it's been in the get our butt out the door arsenal. If you missed that one, our amazing, creative crew at RF Events just announced the next challenge that will start June 1st. Every minute you get in running or walking will take you on a Pure Michigan tour of our state and keep you motivated to the finish line on July 4th. I'm impressed how the crew can turn a dark and cloudy period of life into pure motivational sunshine. Please join our nonsense!

Let's get outside!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who misses seeing all of you on event days, but hope to follow you on a challenge adventure in a FB group next month!

2020.04.23 - This running family

randy dwdA grey, cold, windy, wet, COVID-19 lock down day, with RF Events on life support, and all that we do and love on hold. It took all I had, along with a push from my wife, to make yesterday's run happen. Yes, the run has been saving me from rock bottom. Would, a bit of sun and some good news, or at least successful antivirals be too much to ask for, would it? Perhaps.

That is how my day started yesterday and I admit, the 8.3 slap-in-the-face miles we got in was far more than what I was anticipating in those first few steps out the door.

That was me yesterday morning. Now, I'm humbled and so proud of my staff and so many of you. Yes, big, fat Goat tears are falling down my cheeks and I'm feeling ... not worthy. The RF Crew came up with The Head Goat 50K in May Challenge. The challenge, to run at least a mile every day in May, an easy way to run a 50K! 31 days, 31 miles and a challenge to make getting out that door a given. I'M IN! You may have seen or signed up for this no-cost challenge already. The part that has me in tears is the generosity of those who are donating whatever they can to help RF events get out the other side of this nightmare, so we can be there again to celebrate your goals, dreams and accomplishments with you. I love the RF Crew like family, even the ones that are family. Check out the challenge at this link... But don't think this is any excuse not to get your butt out the door from now 'til May 1!

Today, we run, tomorrow we run,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is a bit emotional tonight. The generosity and love in this running community has given me hope for the future!

2020.04.16 - Do Your Laundry

anna3Baby Goat here... popping in with a reminder that is strictly for me - do your laundry!

But in all seriousness... there seems to be 2 running camps during this trying time... those that are getting out the door more than ever and utilizing this time to train like a madman, and those that for whatever reason... are really struggling to get out the door. If your training is going great... I'm so proud of you! If you're in my camp... where getting out the door seems more difficult than ever - we're in this together! Let's work to remove ONE thing that is in our way. For me, it is the laundry. If I wake up and had planned to run, but can't find the right pants, socks etc.... I will scrap the whole thing! What is your "missing favorite pants," that is one little roadblock on your way out the door? Set yourself up for success each day... schedule the time to get out for a safe and solo run, and have everything you need ready to go the night before!

Life is hard enough right now, help yourself out,

Baby Goat, a (not quite as) obsessed runner, who made a plan for tomorrow and I've got my favorite pants clean and ready to go!


2020.04.08 - Reinvent Your Run

randy freepThere are events called " The Back Yard Ultra", where the competitors run a 4.167 mile loop, on the hour, every hour, until there is only one runner left. (If you are not back lined up at the starting line at the hour, you are out) The 4.167 mile distance makes for a total of 100 miles at 24 hours. The current record, 67 hours, around 280 miles. Yikes! I have found that using a variation of this makes for an inspiring way to get in a very long run. Pick any distance loop and any time limit to do it. Say, 1 mile in 11 minutes. Finish in 9 minutes, rest, stretch, get a drink or whatever then head out at 10 minutes, again at 20 minutes ... Until you can't make it to the start line. Even more fun is to do this with a group of friends, virtually for now, getting on the phone with them every deadline/start time and cheering each other on. Another variation, Have the time for each loop get reduced by one minute. An example, start with 13 minute limit for loop one, 12 minutes for loop 2 ... As the limit gets shorter, your rest period eventually evaporates. Dan, a member of the RF Events crew, along with his son, just ran 5 miles, every 4 hours, for 24 hours. 30 miles, sleep deprivation ... Yes, Dan is a wild man. Dream up your own system and shake up your next long run!

May today's run blow your mind!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is missing the spring races and all of you. Be safe, be well and we will all be out there together soon.

PS: We are crossing our fingers that the Island Time 6, 12, 24 hour run will take place on May 29 & 30. Over 7 weeks away ... Sounds like a lifetime in the quarantine world.


A New Book from the Obsessed Runner Himself

Get Your Butt Out The Door