2015-10-28 - Why run in this crap?
As I look out at this gray, rainy, windy day I realize I'll need to strengthen my resolve to enjoy running through the cold months, especially November, when it is often frigid, wet and blah. How's that for an inspirational start to the midweek? Heading out the door on a day that looks just awful is never easy but once the heart rate steadies and we get in the mantra of our footfalls, the simple beauty of the natural world shines through, from the pattern of rain on the puddles to the wild swirl of wind in the trees, we pound on. The reality is that running is an extreme sport, a tough and challenging sport that never lets up, a sport not for the faint of heart ... And for these same reasons, running is our lifeblood, it gives us self-confidence, we find strength in ourselves we might have missed with a less daunting choice to direct our passion. We become the strong, determined, dedicated people our sport requires us to be, making us the ones who can get things done. Through running, we learn to see past the seemingly impossible problems of the world, making us the ones who might find the solutions that will change the world for the better.
Get out there,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who wrote this to get myself out the door today.
PS: Join me in Traverse city on November 14th for what is sure to be a cold and challenging run through the majestic beauty of the north woods. Bring it on. http://runvasa.com/
PS: We at RF Events have planned your 2016 running year so you don't even have to think, just run and enjoy these amazing races. http://rfevents.com/images/2016Calendar.pdf
2015-10-21 - 2016 Running Fit Event Calendar
The only part I don't like about long running events is the taper and the recovery, they cut into the enjoyment of the daily run. I'm writing this the day after the Freep, a beautiful fall day and I'm too sore to get out there, dang. The season is about to wind down with the serious races behind us but I do look forward to the fun races like the Holiday Hustle 5K on Saturday December 12th and Super 5K February 7th, races that keep us motivated to run through the winter. That said, there is one last trail run, the Vasa 5k, 10K, and 25K in Traverse City on November 14th. A fun off- season road trip to what is sure to be a cold, rugged challenge, without a wimp in site! Soon to be referred to as "The Ice Man Runneth!" Join me, then we will deserve some easy days.
Train, taper, race, recover, train,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner here at RF Events, where we have planned your 2016 running year so you don't even have to think, just run and enjoy these amazing races. 2016 Calendar
2015-10-14 - Yikes, it's Detroit Freep Week!
Yikes, its the Detroit Freep Marathon week! For those of you who put in the long hard miles all summer and will toe the line this Sunday for the full or half marathon, congratulations! All the work is done and the marathon will just be icing on the cake, enjoy. For those of you who did not get in your training miles but are still going to line up Sunday, you will be doing all the work on race day but you will get it done ... you just might not be able to dance. For those of us on the marathon side lines, we are envious of your dedication to training and you inspire us to perhaps consider the marathon or half marathon next. Stop by the Running Fit and Running Fit Events booth and say hi! We'll be handing out magnet calendars with next year's events so you can plan your year.
Get excited, stay excited,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who is running 13.1 miles at the Freep ... And will not be dancing well after.
PS: HO, HO, GO! Everybody's favorite holiday themed hustle around the charming City of Dexter, MI is BACK! Registration is now open for the Holiday Hustle 5K and 1 Mile! Finisher medals for 5K finishers and a custom knit beanie to all entrants!
2015-10-07 - Run, Scream, Run
October, the sweet spot of the running year. It gets no better than a fall color, country road run with the birds and squirrels cheering us on. October is also a great month for spooky nonsense and dressing silly, combine that with running and the stress of life takes a back seat for a while. Join me at Run Scream Run this Saturday at Wiard's Orchard in Ypsilanti, a 5K, 10K or 1 Mile fall color run through pumpkins, apples, rolling fields and a finish through Michigan's premier haunted attraction, as fun as a run can get. The perfect sharpening run for those of us running the Freep the next weekend. Run or volunteer, the link is here!
Run, Scream, Run,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is still sitting in sweaty run gear as I write this, and still feeling the mellow buzz of my country road run
PS: The running community lost one of its best last week to brain cancer, Linda Hartzman was a brave, gutsy runner, volunteer and mother of two beautiful young daughters. She lived life to the fullest right up till the end and her courage and strength inspired all who she touched. https://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/linda-s-fight-against-brain-cancer/220931#.Vg05xctpT08.facebook
PS: The snow will blow and you will wish you were running with us in Mexico. Sign up deadline extended to October 11th.
PS: HO, HO, GO! Everybody's favorite holiday themed hustle around the charming City of Dexter, MI is BACK! Registration is now open for the Holiday Hustle 5K and 1 Mile! Finisher medals for 5K finishers and a custom knit beanie to all entrants!
PS: Join us for your LAST CHANCE to get $30 off your Holiday Hustle entry by volunteering at Run, Scream, Run! We want you ON THE BOO CREW!
2015-09-30 - Don't run naked
With mornings in the low 40's it's time to put on the long sleeves, it also reminds me that the fall long race season is upon us and ... I am way behind in my training! I'm sure I'm not alone on this, life sometimes gets in the way of our run schedule. Yes, we are getting out the door and putting in the daily runs but perhaps not the long runs or mileage we hoped for, dang. Running is not a sport that we can "cram for the exam", we can only line up with the training we have put in... or not put in. Don't bail on your event! Lining up under-trained guarantees an adventure! We may run some and walk more than some, but if we keep up constant forward progress we will get it done! Yes, our times will be pathetic but nobody really cares, we will party when we finish (hopefully by last call)!
Run and get it done,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, with mileage in my log that does not support what I admit to, but I know it to be true.
PS: The 5k, 10k, 25k Vasa Trail Run's new date, November 14th could be a challenging northern adventure, yikes, perhaps the "The Iceman Runeth" might fit the description with not a wimp in sight! Join us as we finish up the year with a road trip north and enjoy off season rates! Warm up and celebrate with us as we hit up the wineries and breweries in the Traverse City area, the Dirt Crew and I will share our touring schedule once it's finalized.
PS: I will be running in Mexico for a week this winter, join me! https://runningfitevents.webconnex.com/cancun16
PS: HO, HO, GO! Everybody's favorite Holiday Themed Hustle around the charming City of Dexter, MI is BACK! Registration is now open for the Holiday Hustle 5K and 1 Mile! Finisher medals for 5K finishers and a custom knit beanie to all entrants!
2015-09-16 - If you miss a day of running
If you miss a day of running, nobody knows. If you miss two days, you know. If you miss 3 days, everybody knows! Actually, this is not at all the reality but to runners it sure seems like it. Maybe with all the new running apps we use to track our miles someone might figure out we missed some days but the reality is that nobody cares about our running.. just us! This is another aspect of our sport I love. We get to choose when, where and how much to run or not run. So much of our lives are controlled and dictated, our run is true personal freedom. All that said, sometimes it feels like we are "sneaking" out for a run. We know the beneficial aspects of the run mentally and physically, we know we return from the run rejuvenated and more productive, better able to work and be there for our families. So why do we sneak out? Because only a runner would understand the seriousness of our play time.
Run free,
Randy step, an admitted obsessed runner who just missed 3 days, and now everybody knows, dang!
PS: Join us on the Dirt Crew for an epic weekend in HELL, MI the weekend of September 26! We love our volunteers and this is a down and dirty weekend you wont forget! Check out the details HERE!
PS: It's a perfect time to mark Feb. 13 - 20 on the calendar and join the Dirt Crew for our annual winter run trip to the sun. We have 80 direct flight seats out of Lansing to take us to the "Now Jade" resort in the Mayan Rivera, a safe, fun place to run and sun. All non-running friends and family will love this all inclusive getaway and you'll be back from the morning run before they know you were gone. RSVP here! Check out some more info here!
2015-09-16 - Yes, you are a runner!
I witnessed tears of joy from a first time 5K trail run finisher at Run Woodstock. The steep hills and dirt footing made this run a challenging adventure for many who were venturing off the roads for the first time. Each run is a stepping stone, a learning experience that moves us forward to the next adventure. Many of us saw the finish line of our first race as an affirmation, giving us the OK to say to the world that, "I am a runner!" Great stuff. Yes, there were runners who ran 100 miles this weekend at Run Woodstock, runners who left me standing in awe of their commitment to the sport and the incredible mental and physical tenacity they have developed in their running lives, 100 mile finishers who had tears of joy in their eyes, the same tears of joy they experienced long ago when they crossed their first 5K finish line ...
Keep running forward,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner with greater adventures calling me on.
PS: Join us on the Dirt Crew for an epic weekend in HELL, MI the weekend of September 26! We love our volunteers and this is a down and dirty weekend you wont forget! Check out the details HERE!
PS: One last chance for a trail race finish in 2015, Run Vasa in Travers City, Saturday November 14th. Yes, it might be a wicked cold day and yes, it may even snow .. but it is guaranteed to be an adventure to remember, one that will move you forward. 5K, 10K, 25K, enter at http://runvasa.com/
2015-09-09 - Run so you can help
The thoughts I had while watching the tragedy unfold on 9/11 would change me forever. Before that, I would say my actions would have been those of a survivor, doing what it would take to save myself and my family. That day I watched as hundreds of people much braver than I can imagine ran into The World Trade Center instead of running away from it. First responders with families at home and other brave souls who stopped to help those who were in need rather than sprinting away. Since that day, each daily run takes on new meaning. When tragedy strikes, I want to be physically and mentally ready to help ... and not be the one who needs help or thinks only of myself. For all first responders and members of the military, you have my utmost respect and gratitude.
Run to help,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is proud to live among so many brave Americans.
PS - Join us this fall for one of the wildest SKEDADDLES out there! Scrumpy Skedaddle 5K and 10K at Almar Orchards in Flushing, MI on October 4th is JUST what the doctor ordered... an apple a day, right? Join us for a scamper around the orchards. runscrumpy.com
2015-09-02 - Smile, Laugh, Run
We run to give ourselves the personal time we all need. We run to unplug, reboot and erase some of the built up stress of life, getting it back to a manageable level. We run to nurture ourselves. So, how is it that at times we find ourselves stressing over aspects of our running? Things like our pace, missing a workout on our schedule for a good reason or no good reason, or disappointment at not running a goal time.
Perhaps when we find ourselves stressing over the run it might help to remember the reasons we run. The run is what we do for enjoyment and when this is not the case let's try to take our minds back to a time that getting out for a run once a week was a joy, when we were proud of ourselves for running any distance at any pace. The only thing to take seriously about the run is the fun, we can let the rest go!
Smile, laugh, run,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who wastes a lot of time reminding myself to enjoy this amazing running life. Gheesh!
PS: That said, It's time to get back to the land and set your soul free! The healing weekend of Run Woodstock is just over a week away, dig? Music, yoga, hikes and running... 5k to 100 freakin' miles! Join us at Runwoodstock.com.
2015-08-26 - Come play!
Yesterday, as I dug out my tux to prepare for Friday night's Red Carpet 5K Run and party on Belle Isle, I had to smile thinking how lucky we are to be in a sport that is not just physically and psychologically heathy but is just so dang fun. If you ever wanted to trick a sedentary friend into coming to an event, this is a great one. We expect plenty of walkers. For those of us training for long fall races, this non serious kind of run is a refreshing break from the schedule and will not mess up the weekend long run. Enter at redcarpetrun.com. Online registration is open until Friday at NOON! late entry is also available Friday at the race. Two weeks later, we get to set our souls free at Run Woodstock, dig it! Got to love this running gig.
Running = Playtime!
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who just loves to put on play clothes and head outside!
PS: We are all in need of the healing powers of Run Woodstock, a weekend escape from reality. Run or walk the trails from 5K to 100 freakin' miles, dig it! Great music, nature and beautiful people. Camp out on the land and let your soul free with walk in camping ... Or just come for a day, the important thing is to take the time to nurture yourself, do this today, enter at runwoodstock.com.