2013-04-24 - Run smart

Yo run gang,
April 24, 2013

Randy...The serenity of the run continues to smooth out the roller coaster of emotions and setbacks in life, we are sure lucky to be runners. That said, every healthy running day is precious and we must keep vigilant to stay in a state of health that allows us, not only to run but to be able to help others in time of crisis, to be the ones to assist and not to be the ones who need assistance. Let's train smart, race smart and do the core work to make this happen, again, not just to help ourselves but to help the world!

Spring is a time when it's easy to run too far and too fast, let's try to keep the increase in weekly mileage to no more than 10% and to ease into speed with proper warm up and cool down.

Run Smart, fun forever,

--Randy Step, an obsessed runner who pretty much writes this stuff based on what I need to hear and do at this time of year! Less is more ... Dang.

PS: A run/walk in the woods is good for the body and soul, join us in Pinckney this weekend, the weather is looking perfect for this running rite of spring! On trails, your time and pace becomes insignificant, you can literally stop and smell the flowers, walk up the hills and even down some hills, for that matter. You need this, join us for 5, 13.1 or more miles, not in shape, not to worry, hikers welcome! See trailmarathon.com

PS: looking for a nice little feel good race? Book'n 5K and 10K support the South Lyon Library, Saturday, May 18th http://ssldl.info/bookntrilogy

2013-04-10 - You are an Inspiration!

Yo run gang,
April 10, 2013
Michigan is a sedentary state with just about the top obesity rate, but I have hope. On Saturday, 6,000 adults will take to the streets at The Chocolate Milk Martian Invasion of races. As runners, we can be proud of the example we set. High profile, fun events like this can inspire those who spectate or read about it in the blogs, often creating the spark that will change a life. A big race is a dramatic testimony that yes, you can do this!

That said, the most amazing story at the Invasion is the Martian Kid's Marathon. This is not the typical fun run but a 26.2 mile journey of dedication and long term goal planning.  These young athletes are required to keep a log and show that they have put in 25 miles to earn a spot on the starting line for the last 1.2 miles. Each receives the same medal and finisher's T-shirt as the adults. Now for the most incredible statistic that give me hope: the kid's race has been growing by over 50% each of the past 3 years and this Saturday, we expect over 2,000 to toe the line! I'm sure it's the biggest kid's run the state has ever seen, now, who is inspiring who? Many of these kids will be accompanied by sedentary parents who will witness the magic! (Special thanks to Fit Crew member Mandy who has spent many a long day on the road, using her creative magic to fire up the kids at student assemblies throughout SE Michigan!)

Keep the faith,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who invites you to come and run or walk with us this weekend, then stick around to cheer on these young athletes! Race distances from 3.1 miles on up! Enter at Martianmarthon.com or at the very fun, free, fitness expo on Friday. (Where there are great deals to be had, even if you can't make Saturday's event!)


2013-04-03 - Walk, Run, Race

Yo run gang,
April 3, 2013
The daily run, our daily bread, can seem like enough, the run's positive influence on our physical and mental state are unquestionable, so why race?

A valid question.

Heck, some people survive this world without running at all but we know, if they had found running, they may have had richer more fulfilling life. I believe it's the same with racing. Many runners put in the miles and never toe the line but those of us who have entered, set goals and raced, realize that this wonderful sport has more to offer. When we race, we become athletes, this happens regardless of our condition or age, when we line up and find out where we stand and attempt to better our performance, we are athletes. Mostly, we compete with ourselves, to see what we have in us, to be honest with ourselves, to run smart, to give our best on the given day. In our day to day family and work life we do so many things where knowing if we gave our best is not so black and white, when we race, it's true, it's clear, it's real. We get down to bedrock, we give witness to the person we are and gather insight into who we might be. And yes, we run against those around us, giving us the momentum and excitement of knowing where we stand in the physical order of things. For us, not being last may be a more valuable and uplifting race experience than it was to the person who won. We get all this, from towing the line!

The sales crew at Running Fit share their experience and passion for running when fitting you in the proper footwear and gear, your success is their success, adding to the richness of their running lives. On the other hand, the passionate runners on the Running Fit event crew use their creativity and knowledge of all that running can be, to put on the kind of races that they themselves know in their hearts, will be amazing. When the reviews come in saying, this is by far my favorite event in the world, they have won! Please consider joining us this year at one of our 23 one of a kind events. From the major road race setting in next week's Martian Invasion to our get back to nature trail runs later this month, there is an entry form that is waiting for you to commit to, and a finish line that will change your life for the better.

Run, train, race,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who can't decide which Running Fit event is my favorite. OK, if I had to pick, I'll go with Run Woodstock, 3 days to live the running life and set my soul free ... But I sure like the excitement of the transition area at the T-Rex Triathlons and the wild party at the start of the team race at Dances With Dirt Hell, heck, why pick, do them all!

PS: I just love finding out that my body's post race cravings have been right all along! Why Chocolate Milk?
Recent studies have shown that the nine essential nutrients in low-fat chocolate milk make it an ideal drink after intense exercise, including marathon and triathlon training and competition."Drinking chocolate milk has been found to be one of the best post-exercise beverage choices for adults due to the unique combination of natural nutrients," said Amy Viselli, a registered dietitian for UDIM. "Chocolate milk is effective in providing endurance athletes the carbohydrates and protein necessary to refuel and repair muscles, the calcium to help maintain strong bones, and the fluids to rehydrate after a strenuous workout, when consumed within two hours after exercise."

2013-03-27 - Hope springs

Yo run gang,
March 27, 2013

The weather sucks but we just have to ignore it and get out the door ... like we always do!

Work, money, power and war are similar to bad weather but once again, when we head out for a run, we find true peace in the moment, the gray sky seems not so gray and the nonsense of the world takes a back seat.

What does this prove? Perhaps the run is the important part of our life and the rest is the nonsense we should strive to escape. The world may never be at peace and the sun may not come out for months but we can be out running and living a fulfilling, fun life in the moment ... Winning the cold war! Ha!

Regardless of the reports on the weather channel and the top of the hour news about bank failures in Cypress, the walls at Running Fit are blooming with the warm weather fashions colors of spring and the new running shoe models, bringing  hope ... that spring is eternal ... As opposed to "Hope springs eternal!" (I had to look that last line up to get it right!) Ha!

The run can be the sun,

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, as dedicated as a mail carrier!

PS: The long winter has challenged even the best of us to be ready for the early racing season. That said, the Chocolate Milk Martian Invasion of Races is just two weeks away, April 13th. For those of you not ready to toe the line, consider volunteering to be part of Ground Control and help make the Invasion possible. You'll get the very cool "Obey Me" shirt along with a $30 voucher for a future Running Fit event! You can even volunteer Thursday and Friday and still race on Saturday! Volunteer now! Or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have questions.


2013-03-13 - Make the long run easy

Yo run gang,
March 13, 2013

Not all miles are created equal. For example, a 6 mile run with friends can seem shorter than a 6 mile run alone, and 6 miles in a race might be the longest 6 miles you will ever encounter ... especially those last 6 miles in a marathon, or getting lost on a 3 mile run that turns into 6 or....

You get the point; it's not only the distance but the mindset that affects the run.

One trick I sometimes use is to show up early and run 5 miles before joining friends for a 5 mile run. Another fun way to get in your long run is to include a race in your total mileage; not a race that you want to run seriously - like planning to set a PR - but let's say you are training for a half marathon  and the schedule calls for an 10 mile run the same weekend as a very fun 10K that you don't usually miss. Plan your long run around it and get in 4 miles before lining up at the start, doing the last 6 in the race setting can make for a motivational finish to the long run! You will find it a huge mental advantage running along with people that are only at mile 3 knowing you are at already at mile 7 of your own 10 mile secret event! You are a running God!

Make the run fun,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner until the end.


2013-03-06 - Work?

Yo run gang,
March 6, 2013

Some days I take myself out for a run; other days, the run seems to be in charge and chooses my path, even my path in life.

Today I write this from a remote house on the bank of the Withlacoochee river in Florida's Green Swamp.
I'm dressed to run and am about to head out to work. Work? I am armed with a hydration belt, GPS and marking flags. Today's job: to mark 15 miles or so of a wild wilderness course for this Saturday's Dances With Dirt trail running event. As they say ... Somebody has to do it! No doubt, running has shaped my life and taken me on this career path. Yes, it's a blessed life and I thank my running obsession for taking me here.

This will be a weekend with very little sleep and the responsibility of the event will weigh heavily on me and the other dedicated members of the Dirt Crew until the hundreds of adventure seeking runners come back from the swamp, safe, physically beat to a pulp and proud of their accomplishments.

Follow your path, follow the run,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner headed out with hopes of spotting a few feral hogs, 'gators and armadillos on my way to work!

PS: Running Fit Novi and New Balance are hosting a Saturday morning breakfast run!
Join us for a fun group run starting from the Novi Running Fit store located in the Novi Town Center. New Balance 890 (neutral) and 870 (light stability) test shoes will be available to demo. Route will consist of an out and back route (up to 10 miles) along the I-275 metro trail. Water will be available at the halfway point. Breakfast will be served after the run courtesy of New Balance. Store opens at 7:30, run leaves the store at 8:00 AM. Please RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 248-347-4949 to let us know you'll be there!

2013-02-27 - Don't let your head get in the way

Yo run gang,
February 27, 2013

As winter pounds on, motivation takes a beating and I turn to my mental bag of tricks. I start by reminding myself that motivation is a feeling and feelings are a choice. I can look out at the snow and gray sky, mope around, complain and be miserable! Or, I can choose to get excited about the great challenge ahead and how I will conquer it!

If this method is failing me and my mind seems to be made up that it wants to do anything but run, I stop thinking and just head out and run. I show my mind that not running is not an option; sometimes I give myself a firm talking-to: "Hey head, get with the program or be miserable, it's up to you, I'm running! I've decided that feeling bad, run-down and unmotivated is a plus!"

How's it a plus? Once this run is finished I will have a much greater feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment than an easy run on a nice day. To heck with those wimpy runs, bring it on!

Don't let your head get in the way, just get out and run!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner .. and a bit of a head case.

PS: One last motivational tip: Always have some Chocolate Milk in the fridge ... that you can only drink after running! I find when I'm arguing with myself, this will seal the deal!

2013-02-20 - Philosophy of Running

Yo run gang,
February 20, 2013

It's nice to preach to the choir - you - who get it. I'm sure it's not often that I share things that you don't already know, I can only hope that I can give some confirmation to your choices in life and keep you ... keep both of us, on track. (Or road or trail ...).

I don't consider myself a philosopher, the title is a bit lofty, I've read that a philosopher is someone who tries to say or put down in words what we all know and think already, and I'll accept that's what I attempt to do when it comes to the daily run, our daily bread ... That said, it would have been far out to discuss running in the forum or public baths - like Plato or Aristotle - instead of a blog. Dang!

Give us this day our daily run, and we'll get through the rest,

Randy Step, an obsessed runner would have loved to have spent some time in the tub with y'all during the Classical years, after the run of course!

PS: Public baths fulfilled many of the needs and desires of citizens in classical times and were the center of social life. These extravagant structures were places where one could relax, enjoy art, discuss politics, and converse with others about the issues of the day. These great "palaces of entertainment served all tastes and admitted almost anyone," both rich and poor.

PS: RunWoodstock.com, I'm thinking this may be as close as we get to the social and physical center of running in this day and age. A weekend where we can beat ourselves up on the trails, mellow out to the jams, sit around  the fire and share our joy/pain, and set our souls free.

2013-02-13 - Run away from your problems

Yo run gang,
February 13, 2013

Running is a wonderful escape, giving us an hour or so away from being a serious adult. The harsh realities and responsibilities of life are there when we get back but we can charge into them refreshed, clear headed and maybe a little ... smug!

We return armed with the peace and satisfaction we have gained from the run and the knowledge that there is so much more to this rich and wonderful life. Bring it on!

When the run is going well, keep on going! There is no better time to get in a long run than to start it at the end of the run distance you had planned for the day! I'll often reset my watch and start fresh, you can't beat a bonus run! Resetting the watch is just a little mental trick, it's not like we don't know we just put in an awesome run! Getting home to write a big number in the log when we didn't expect it can sure supercharge our running week!

We are so lucky to be able to run away from our troubles, guilt free!

Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is running away from ... stress, obesity, heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer's and bad guys.

2013-02-06 - Get out and run!

Yo run gang,
February 6, 2013

Might it be easier to get out the door on these wicked, cold winter days if we knew someone would be there to give us a finisher's medal at the end? This busy life has enough obstacles keeping us from the run, let alone having this tough weather to wear down our resolve.

My cold weather solution has been to not think about it much, just overdress and run out the door. Once out and running I allow myself to consider the distance, the weather and if I should shed some clothes. If the wind is wicked, I run until I find a stretch that is protected then repeat it for a while. On one of my runs this year I went back and forth over the same quarter mile stretch for 5 miles. It was a nice wooded area and I made it a point to notice something different on each lap, birds, types of trees, how my foot prints were adding up ... I did not get bored, on the contrary, I was getting more into it on each lap, I only headed back because my window of time was up, dang. Any way, It's nice to see some sun in the upcoming forecast because many of us are getting down to the bottom of our bag of our "get us out the door" tricks.

Run first, think later,

Randy Step, obviously, an obsessed runner.

A New Book from the Obsessed Runner Himself

Get Your Butt Out The Door