June 23, 2010 - Comin' Back!
Yo Run Gang,
My friend Karen trained diligently all winter to run a 50K mountain race. A week out from the event a rock shot out from her lawnmower, shattering her tibia.
Life is not fair and as athletes we are reminded of this often. There are no givens, in training, racing or life. When aiming at a long term goal we put a lot of life's eggs in one basket, a risk-reward scenario. The risks are high, a lot can happen during several months of training, especially as race week draws near when our bodies are on the edge, ready for injury or sickness.
We can hope for the best, but need to have a plan for the worst. By reminding ourselves that there is perhaps an 80% chance of making it to the starting line we might train a bit smarter, taking days off when a pain comes up or we are feeling run down. We might be more flexible with our plans, keeping family and friends intact. The worst case scenario plan? Be ready to switch gears 180 degrees when tragedy hits, putting all our effort in a new direction, making a plan for recovery and getting just as focused on the next big comeback as we did for original plan.
Dang, why is it that the hardest things in life to do are the right things?
Run smart,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner, inching my way back from injury ... while wanting to run back!
June 16, 2010 - Busy, busy...
Yo run gang,
Such a busy running life, my goal is to let you know about the coolest events this summer so you don't miss them. This weekend is the Running Fit "Sold out!"Flirt With Dirt trail run in Novi, for those that missed out consider joining us at the Legend 5 or 10 mile Trail run on July 31st. Do to the popularity and entry limits for trail events, you often need to enter early ... so enter now and enjoy a run in the wild at runlegend.com. I'm writing this from Devil's Lake in Wisconsin where I'm in the wilderness working (Ha) on our extreme premier trail series, "Dances With Dirt", the race is July 10th and makes a wonderful summer road trip. Rooms and camping available right at the start finish area at Devil's Head Resort. Enter at danceswithdirt.com . Yes, the short race 13.1 miles but you can even do it as a hike!
The T-Rex Tri series kicks off Wednesday July 23 with the Triceratops Triathlon followed by the Pterodactyl Tri July 21 and T-Rex Tri August 18th . These are perfect first timer events with a half mile swim, 12 mile bike and 5K run, yes, you can do this! A great midweek workout for the advanced athlete. The July and August races will sell out, enter now and get excited! Runtrextri.com
The Red Carpet Run from the West Bloomfield Running Fit, Thursday August 12th , has all the glitz and glamour of a movie premier. A dress up run to strut your stuff on the red carpet! I just love this run, it gives me a chance to sweat in my tux! The website is as fun as the event, check out Redcarpetrun.com
I also like to sneak in some low key summer races in fun places like the Zoo. The Scleroderma 5 K Run and 2 Mile Walk Sunday, June 27 at the World-Class Detroit Zoo, Royal Oak, Michigan. Entrance fee for the 5K race includes an ALL DAY admission pass into the Detroit Zoo, all of the proceeds will benefit the Scleroderma Foundation Michigan Chapter, www.firstgiving.com/31stwalk
Do it all,
June 9, 2010 - I'm Bluffin'!
Yo Run Gang,
Such a busy running life, my goal is to let you know about the coolest events this summer so you don't miss them. This weekend is the Running Fit "Sold out!"Flirt With Dirt trail run in Novi, for those that missed out consider joining us at the Legend 5 or 10 mile Trail run on July 31st. Do to the popularity and entry limits for trail events, you often need to enter early ... so enter now and enjoy a run in the wild at runlegend.com. I'm writing this from Devil's Lake in Wisconsin where I'm in the wilderness working (Ha) on our extreme premier trail series, "Dances With Dirt", the race is July 10th and makes a wonderful summer road trip. Rooms and camping available right at the start finish area at Devil's Head Resort. Enter at danceswithdirt.com. Yes, the short race 13.1 miles but you can even do it as a hike!
The T-Rex Tri series kicks off Wednesday July 23 with the Triceratops Triathlon followed by the Pterodactyl Tri July 21 and T-Rex Tri August 18th . These are perfect first timer events with a half mile swim, 12 mile bike and 5K run, yes, you can do this! A great midweek workout for the advanced athlete. The July and August races will sell out, enter now and get excited! Runtrextri.com
The Red Carpet Run from the West Bloomfield Running Fit, Thursday August 12th , has all the glitz and glamour of a movie premier. A dress up run to strut your stuff on the red carpet! I just love this run, it gives me a chance to sweat in my tux! The website is as fun as the event, check out Redcarpetrun.com
I also like to sneak in some low key summer races in fun places like the Zoo. The Scleroderma 5 K Run and 2 Mile Walk Sunday, June 27 at the World-Class Detroit Zoo, Royal Oak, Michigan. Entrance fee for the 5K race includes an ALL DAY admission pass into the Detroit Zoo, all of the proceeds will benefit the Scleroderma Foundation Michigan Chapter, www.firstgiving.com/31stwalk
Do it all,
June 2, 2010 - Birthday
Yo Run Gang,
Birthdays are a celebration of life so why let age get in the way? After one hits adulthood the actual age of a person is not very relevant, actually, even keeping track of your age can be detrimental, you are either too young or too old, by just mentioning your age you open yourself up to age discrimination either way. Better to be judged by your accomplishments along the way.
This may not be a popular thought, but I believe age groups in running need re-thinking. I often get an age group medal that I would not have if I was in the next older age group where people ran faster than I did. This happens more often in the younger age groups ... so why should a younger age group winner get an award for running a time slower than an older runner? Should you get an award just because no fast people your age show up? Wouldn't it be better if the awards were given to the top so many % or runners, just based on time? Better yet, if you want to keep age groups, throw out any times of all runners who ran slower than anyone older than themselves, then calculate the awards. This would encourage us all to train that much harder. Just some birthday thoughts ... on my birthday!
This weekend brings us a Michigan classic, the race from Dexter to Ann Arbor. Point to point races seem to make more sense than running like heck, only to end up where you started! The race is sold out but it's fun to go to Ann Arbor anyway to enjoy this great city, the race weekend party atmosphere only adds to the fun, besides, you can take advantage of the race weekend sale at Running Fit (Sorry for the shameless plug!)
Run forever,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner, of an irrelevant age!
May 26, 2010 - Minimalism!
Yo run gang,
While playing (running) in the woods this morning, I was again reminded that running really is play time, an escape from the so called "important" activities of this adult life. Running gives us time to be ageless, a time to put our mind, body and soul into an activity with little practical value ... NOT! The late runner philosopher Dr. George Sheehan once said, "running is like religion and play, it resembles art and music, filling an area of life with great importance ... perhaps one of our most important functions, helping us discover and form the self, a place of self discovery"... Running really does ROCK!
Minimalist running is all the craze and the Vibram 5 Toe shoes are leading the retail end of the charge, basically a rubber glove of a shoe, allowing one to run barefoot with some protection of the foot. We don't suggest you go out and start putting in your miles in 5 Toes but to slowly work your way up as the foot strengthens. Running in 5 Toes will help teach your body proper form and will increase foot strength, a worthwhile addition to the runner's arsenal, not to mention, they are just plain fun to kick around in!
Do I dare include a link to a banned Nike ad for minimalist shoes and "Natural" training, we're talking about the "Bare" basics here ... What the heck, (youtube.com/watch?v=m474JNTLKnQ ) If you find this fun, join us at runwoodstock.com .
Get out and play,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner who's idol is Peter Pan!
May 19, 2010 - Help me with my bike, please
Yo run gang,
Enjoy every healthy running day. I recently took a fall and need some run time off, luckily, I can bike and swim with the injury, and I'm a triathlete for the summer ... Or else I might have had to been put on suicide prevention watch! Seriously, it's good to have options, like a diversified investment strategy, but I can't wait to get back to running, the "Blue Chip" of all fitness activities!
Some days you need to blow your own horn. If you are fans of Running Fit, please take a sec to vote us #1! Go to www.competitor.com/50Best and tell them why we are the best. Last year, Competitor received more than 12,000 nominations, which play a critical role in determining the selection of the 50 Best, (We made that list!) with the Naperville Running Company honored as the 2009 Store of the Year. We'd love to be in their shoes! (Their shoes? That sounds wrong for some reason!)
Forbes Magazine prints a list of Rip-Offs, yesterday's was the curved soled shoes that supposedly work your butt... but mostly affect the foot and ankle. I hate gimmicky crap. http://finance.yahoo.com/family-home/article/109576/10-ways-youre-getting-ripped-off
Check out our product of the week, I promise it will be worth your while to make a trip to Running Fit H.Q. for deals as we do our spring cleaning!
Run every day you can,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner ... hauling a bike around.
Randy Step, an obsessed runner, and extreme athlete, just like you!
May 12, 2010 - Run Like an Animal!
Yo run gang,
Running gets us down to bedrock. Each run requires basic physical and mental strength just to head out the door. Some days, our body lets us know it really doesn't want to do this, much like dragging an unwilling dog on leash with his paws kicking and dragging. Ahh, but on those days when our bodies are jumping and barking at the door, ready to go ... We marvel at the "X" Games and sports that are called "Extreme", when in reality, there is no more extreme sport than distance running, one that has us heading out, day after day to do battle and keep the edge, heading out regardless of how we feel or what the conditions, knowing that nothing good comes easy and what we will get for our hard work and extreme behavior is good, very good. When race day dawns, hang on to that leash tight and be ready to keep up with a happy, well trained body, pulling us forward to personal greatness. Now, give yourself a pat on the head!
Run like an animal,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner, and extreme athlete, just like you!
May 5, 2010 - Snorkle?
Yo run gang,
As an obsessed runner, my goal is to run for a lifetime. For that to happen, I believe the body needs core strength, recovery and seasonal changes in training, dang, don't you just hate that? Like so many things in life, the sacrifices needed to accomplish long term goals are worth it.
My system the last few years is to become a triathlete for summer, training starts after my spring marathon and goes through August, then back to fall marathon training! Well, Boston is over and I'm at it. I find the convenience of jumping in a lake to get in my swim beats going to a pool, besides, the open water experience helps in the event. The water temp is only 60 or so now but with the right stuff, the temp matters little. (Do you feel a shameless plug coming on?) My Zoot Fusion full wetsuit fits and works great. We tested several and it's one we stock at Running Fit, $300 makes it a reasonably priced. I wear an insulated swim cap, swim gloves and swim socks made by "Blue Seventy", I also like their open water swim goggles. Swim accessories are at our 5700 Jackson Rd. store in Ann Arbor, in Novi, and online at runningfit.com. Did I mention my swim snorkel?
Swim, Bike, RUN!
Randy Step, an obsessed runner, who is having fun playing with his new multisport toys!
April 28, 2010 - Philip Legat at Running Fit!
Yo run gang,
It's a combination of things that get us out the door and running each day, one that fires me up big time are stories of inspiration. It's a gift to encounter bigger than life people living and performing on the edge, way beyond my comfort zone, I believe it helps inch my edge a bit farther out, make the power of inspiration part of your training! May I invite you to a night of inspiration!
After being stuck in a Nairobi airport for 2 days while volcanic ash caused 16,000 flight cancellations across Europe, Kenyan runner Philip Lagat finally arrived in Iowa for the 101st edition of the Drake Relays after 20 hrs of constant travel.
This was on April 24th, 2010, (yes, 3 days ago). Philip lined up next to the great Bernard Lagat (no relation) who is the 2008 Olympic Champion in the 1500m and has run the 2nd fastest time ever for this distance. This race was Phillip's second mile race in his life on a track. Philip finished the race in 3rd position with a scintillating time of 3:57.55, just behind Bernard Lagat, who was beaten by yet another Kenyan wonder runner named Boaz Lalang. This performance demonstrates that Philip is one of the greats with a talent level that ranges between the 800m to the 1/2 marathon, and what we are offering is a chance to hear his story first hand.
Come and join us at Running Fit's Ann Arbor store headquarters at 5700 Jackson road, Ann Arbor, at 7 PM, Thursday, May 6, 2010. Hear his story, get his autograph, and meet a Kenyan runner who has travelled thousands of miles to make a better life for himself and his family. A donation of a couple bucks to Phillip is appreciated to help with his journey.
Run inspired,
Randy Step, an obsessed runner who stands in awe, then heads out the door to do homage.
April 21, 2010 - Boston Survivor!
Yo run gang,
Its been many years since I last ran the Boston Marathon and I swore Id never go back. From what I remember it was a race put on by an unresponsive old boys kind of club and had a crowded disorganized start at noon on a rainy cold Monday. I ran my worst marathon time ever thinking back, Im sure my poor time and the rain contributed heavily to my bad memories. Last year, my son ran a Boston qualifying marathon time and this past Monday, my wife, my son and myself ran the Boston Marathon. Kathy and Trevor ran stellar marathons and the event organization was incredible. I was dreading a start with 26,000,000 people on a road that I remembered was crowded with 4,000. What I experienced was great fast start and a fun and exciting flawless event that ranks at the top of my race experiences and I ran poorly! The moral of the story, old dogs can learn new tricks and every race deserves a second chance. I encourage everyone to put running Boston on the bucket list. The people of Boston are incredible, they love the marathon and love the runners and add much to this must do event!
We all love the solitude of the daily run and the mental and psychological benefits, but toeing the line in a spring race gives our training additional purpose and meaning. Here are few fun upcoming races to consider, great choices to P.R., or to race for your first time ever at the distance.
Saturday May 1st in Novi - Live Like Andi - 10 Mile, 10K, 5K and Fashion Walk! Enter at www.livelikeandi.org/run-2010.html Saturday May 15th - Heart and Sole 5K, 10K and 2 mile Walk or Run in Chelsea, enter at www.chelseaheartandsole.org
For a trail run consider: Saturday June 12th Flirt With Dirt 5K and 10K, gnarly single track trails in Novi. Enter quick at runflirt.com, this race fills early
To really beat yourself to a pulp, and to get in a fun road trip, check out Danceswithdirt.com, May 15th in Gnaw Bone, Indiana or July 10th at Devils lake, Wisconsin. Run, run, race, Randy Step an obsessed runner who just might run Boston again next year!