2017-05-24 - Some good running news
Last week at the Dances With Dirt trail race I witnessed true heroes in action when the women's 50K leader took a fall and broke a leg. Three runners put their own ultra goals and races aside to be with her and help with her evactuation. From the post-race e-mail thread I can see that helping others in crisis can bring a more personal reward than our personal goals... And can create lifelong friendships and bonds.
Running teaches us the value of long term goals and delayed gratification as we put in our daily miles to be ready for an event months away. These skills transfer over to our business and personal lives to move us forward. Some good examples are a couple of the long term charitable commitments made by RF Events, committing $25,000 over 5 years to "Karen's Trail", a project in memory of friend and world class athlete Karen McKeachie, and $25,000 to the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy. These commitments help keep our fires lit and remind us daily to do the best we can to produce events that will be successful and allow us to accomplish these goals. That said, you can't beat the immediate gratification of writing a check for $31,294 to the Congenital Heart Center at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital from the proceeds of the Shamrocks and Shenanigans 5K & 1K, made possible by those who ran! Rewarding stuff!
Get in those miles, the rewards will follow,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is proud of our running community and humbled to be associated with so many heroic athletes and just plain great people.
PS: My friend and dentist John Farah wrote a great article to share with anyone who might be considering entering their first 5K! Share the article and share the gift of running. Some great 5Ks can be found at rfevents.com/calendar ... just sayin'.
2017-05-18 - The value of a run never goes down
As I've said in the past, the market might crash or soar but getting out the door for the days miles is one of the rocks you can steady this life on. Running is a recession proof passion. In the lean years, we might not be able to afford to fly to Hawaii to run the marathon but we can lace em up and head out the door for a head clearing trip to nirvana with no cash needed. A simple sport worth so much more than the sum of its parts, the ultimate investment, always with positive returns.
Run with the bulls,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who knows miles in my log prove that my time was well spent.
PS: Sip, sip, HOORAY! Running Between the Vines is just around the corner. We can't wait for this gorgeous vineyard run and post race wine tasting bash! Join us August 19th, 2017 in Jackson, MI for 5K, 5 Miles or a Half Marathon! Want to run the 5K AND 5 Mile? The Cellar Slam is for you. See you in Jackson, CHEERS!
2017-05-03 - Proof: Runners live longer!
Credit for today's link goes to my friend Andrew Griffin, a funny guy who follows the minutia of the sport. We don't need to read about running, we only need to head out the door and experience the magic first hand to totally get it ... But it is pretty cool when the professional, medical community gives running a huge thumbs up! The gist, you get about 7 hours added to your life for every hour you run, or an average of a 3 year bonus to your life. You get this regardless of pace of effort, even slow running is considered serious physical activity compared to most other sports. The article says you pretty much get this running bonus no matter how many other bad health habits you have, dig it!
Let's get out there today and add 7 hours to our lives!
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is not good at math but if I'm thinking right, if I run 1 hour per day, 5 days per week, 52 weeks per year, I pick up 76 days per year tacked on to the back end of this short, wonderful life! If I do this for 40 years it will come to 8 bonus years! Stay obsessed, the heck with average!
PS: We are now accepting volunteers for Flirt With Dirt! Check out all of our awesome volunteer opportunities HERE! RF Events volunteers receive fun volunteer swag, a $30 voucher towards a future event and MORE!
2017-04-26 - Run off the road
I can relate to the Ancient Druids who supposedly drew their energy from direct contact with the earth, the dirt. A couple days away from the woods and I seem to become weak, tired and foggy, like a near-dead battery. It's not like I want to run trails, I NEED to run trails. We spend much of our lives in temperature controlled buildings and cars, re-breathing air that contains who knows what, while walking on man-made surfaces, yikes! I've heard runners say, "but I don't live near a trail". The truth is that if you look, you can find trails just about everywhere, if not out your door, then at least on the way to where you head daily. Seek, and you shall find, sanity and your legs will love you for it. Friends don't let friends put in all their miles on pavement! Make this the year to train on dirt and race on dirt!
Run wild forever,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed trail runner who hopes you're joining me this weekend for the 31st annual Trail race weekend ... Or, June 3rd in Novi for the Flirt With Dirt, 5K, 10K (Yep, gnarly trails in the land of Malls and Mansions!) or August 5th at The Legend 5 mile, 10 mile and 13.1 mile just north of Lansing. If not these events, than for sure at Run Woodstock, a healing weekend in the woods September 8, 9 and 10, 2017. Last but not least, perhaps a road trip to a Dances With Dirt! Get all the DIRT here!
PS: We are now accepting volunteers for Flirt With Dirt! Check out all of our awesome volunteer opportunities HERE! RF Events volunteers receive fun volunteer swag, a $30 voucher towards a future event and MORE!
2017-04-19 - Run smarter than me
Early spring can be a risky time for us runners. A perfect running day can lure us into miles or a pace our body is not ready for. The body needs time to adapt, rules like not increasing your weekly mileage by more than 10% may be frustrating but not as much as an early season pain that requires days off. Many of us will be racing long this weekend at the Martian Invasion or elsewhere. The weather is looking perfect, run within yourself, go out easy and shoot for a negative split. This is a difficult concept to put into action and the most common mistake in running is going out too hard. Records are set with negative splits. I recently read a statistic that the majority of people who qualified to run The Boston Marathon did it without running negative splits. What this means is that they could have ran faster and even the seasoned faster runners have difficulty going out easy. Just sayin'.
Run smart and prosper,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who continues to write this stuff to remind myself to run smart and not how I want to. Ha. As I said, the weather on Saturday looks perfect, there is still time to enter 5K, 10K, 13.1 or 26.2 at http://martianraces.com/ Even if you are not ready to race, come visit the expo on Friday for a bit of motivation.
2017-04-12 - Share the gift of running
Our running is a gift, a tool for coping with the world when things get ugly. That said, when it comes to our running, we need to be careful to not keep it on a pedestal, never beating ourselves up about how our run went. We set goals, sometimes we hit them and sometimes we blow them but it's important to remember that running is what we do for fun and to escape. There is never a time to get overly upset about our performance, we win no matter how our run goes. The run itself is our success. When we line up to start a race or make our way out the door for our daily run, that is enough of a reward. Anything above this should leave us humbled. How to repay the running gift? Share it, invite a sedentary friend out the door, even for a walk... then pick up the pace, ha! Seriously, you can be the inspiration. Another way to give back to the sport is to volunteer at an event and make it possible for others to experience the success we get with every run!
Share your gift today,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner... Who will be working the Martian Invasion of Races next week and would love to have you join me to make it a success. Click this volunteer link, or come and run... either way, we win!
2017-04-05 - A Midsummer Night's Dream Run
So, what's the connection between runners and Shakespeare... besides that some of us wear tights? How about a run in honor of the fairy king Oberon, where we shall race around the forests, glades and orchards as we party on a Midsummer night. Any excuse for a run and a party! may I introduce, The Oberun 5K, a run or walk surrounded by live music, games, a bonfire, merriment and yes, a Bell's Brewery sponsored beer garden that will be serving Oberon! The creative crew here at RF Events continues to amaze me with ideas that go from fun ideas to reality. It may seem like magic but it's a complex, detail oriented process that is a labor of love that comes from the creative passion of what they do. I look forward to what I'm sure will be a sweaty, fun, magical night to remember. I'll see you at the party!
To run or not to run? Let's run!
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner looks forward to the magic that can come when Michigan small businesses come together around a run. Thank you Bell's Brewery, Wiard's Orchard, RF Events and our charity partner http://www.karenstrail.org/ This will be the perfect event to trick ... I mean talk, your non-running friends into. Walkers welcome!
2017-03-29 - What a difference a day makes
Last Friday, 77 and Sunny, followed by Saturday's, freezing rain and cold winds. What a difference a day makes, but as far as the daily run goes every healthy day is a perfect day! When overcoming adversity we are rewarded with a great sense of accomplishment, perfect days are rewards in themselves. Get out and run.
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who runs the bad days to be rewarded with the great.
PS: The April 22nd Martian Invasion of Races is just 3 weeks away, yesterday I previewed the course changes for this year's events and I think you will agree that they rock! The 10K, Half and Full Marathon have an additional mile of historic Dearborn neighborhood streets, this reduces some of the long out and back parkway section. In addition, for the Half, there is now an additional 2.5 miles added in a classic rolling Dearborn Heights neighborhood, also shortening the parkway section, not that the parkway is not a beautiful part of the run, but was perhaps too much of a good thing, the new additions offer more variety and fun new views. If you have not joined the invasion in a while or have not experienced this out of this world event, come join us. Enter at http://martianraces.com/
PS: Yesterday was the spring release date of Bell's Oberon beer. This seasonal delight takes its name from the fairy king Oberon from Shakespeare's, "A Midsummer Night's Dream". We are always looking for an excuse to party so... how about the Oberun, a midsummers night 5K on July 14th! Expect an enchanted finish line party in a forested beer garden, around a blazing fire with games, music and merriment! Entry to open in early April, click here to get on the list to be notified when registration opens!
2017-03-22 - Get back at it
Hey all, Baby Goat here, Randy's youngest 'kid' stepping in for some midweek motivation.
When the phone rang and my dad asked me to write the Obsessed Runner this week I couldn't help but feel a little unworthy, my running schedule has gotten off track, and I'm not feeling particularly qualified to motivate the masses today! So I'm here to inspire and motivate myself right along with you... Let's get back at it!
Every year on my birthday I run my age in miles. Nobody is forcing me into this, it was just something I got into my head a few years ago and my early spring birthday has been a great motivator to get out the door all winter. 2017 however, has been kicking my butt. I've been sick, trying to sell a house, playing catch up at work... you know, LIFE stuff. For the last few weeks I've been stressed, upset, and worried... all over a fun birthday tradition. I was lamenting to my birthday run partner about how my training wasn't where it should be and she said "It's birthday run. You shouldn't stress about it. It's your birthday!" Oh, duh.
And so, I cut my 29 miles to 29K and I'm still getting my butt out the door. I think the same thing should apply to ALL of our running. When it isn't going how it should, don't give up, stop beating yourself up, then get out there and do something!
Get back at it,
Anna, an admittedly not-quite-as-obsessed runner who is getting up tomorrow morning and putting in 29K... and will be proud I got out the door!
PS: ¡Olé! Join us for a Cinco De Mayo celebration like no other! Once every 7 years the Hightail to Ale 5K will fall on this festive holiday! Be there May 5, 2017 in Detroit, MI for a beer filled afterparty with a 5K warm up!
2015-03-15 - The Obsessed Runner is bragging again
Let me brag a bit.
Let me brag a bit about the crew here at Running Fit Events and their dedication to creating the greatest running experience anywhere, events you can trust your hard training and goals to. They work crazy schedules, lots of 16+ hour event weekends in conditions that are often brutal. They go over every detail for months in advance, looking to find ways to make your experience the best it can be. They are passionate about our sport and all they produce, it is a labor of love and it shows in the outcome. Dawn, Mandy, Anna, Joanna, Trevor, Gary, Jodi and Ted are the full time essential players, each with a special set of responsibilities that that create something much bigger than the sum of their parts, the magic of race day. I can tell you the reality is far from magic, it's true professionalism and a deep understanding of a quality event from start to finish that they have honed over time. I would be remiss not to introduce and brag a bit about our part time crew who take on the many tedious tasks with little glory, sorting, counting, packing, unpacking and digging out the morning after. Thank you Dan, Nancy and Kim. A special thanks to Jeff for bringing our events closer to our Zero Waste goal, and thanks to all of you for supporting our nonsense!
Run forever,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is blessed. Visit
rfevents.com/calendar for a peek at what we do.
PS: Beat the trail price increase! Trail prices go up
Friday, March 17th. If you haven't taken a spin on the Potawatomi Trail in Pinckney, MI we highly suggest you do... on
April 29th and 30th for the 31st Annual Trail Marathon Weekend! Road Ends 5 Mile, Trail Half and Full Marathon and 50K! You're in for a trail treat with this one!
PS: ¡Olé! Join us for a Cinco De Mayo celebration like no other! Once every 7 years the Hightail to Ale 5K will fall on this festive holiday! Be there May 5, 2017 in Detroit, MI for a beer filled afterparty with a 5K warm up
2017-03-08 - I hate running!
Recently, I've come across two tongue-in-cheek articles by passionate runners, explaining how they hate running. Cute lines like, "I even have 3 pairs of my favorite running shoes that I hate to run in" and, "I usually hate running 5 days a week but shoot for 6". Both articles ended the same, explaining that the worst thing about running is the fear that one day, running might not be an option and how would they go on. The love/hate relationship is hard to explain, but love song lines like," I love you so much that it hurts", resonate with us all. The most difficult things in life give us so much in return, we learn who we are and who we might be. Nothing good comes easy is a reality, we only truly appreciate the things we work for.
Let's get out and get in some hard earned miles, miles that will take us above the astral plane,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is about to head out for an awful run in the wind and cold, and can't wait!
PS: Want to walk the Martian Marathon for FREE?! Click HERE for more details and please pass along to anyone you think would be interested!
PS: ¡Olé! Join us for a Cinco De Mayo celebration like no other! Once every 7 years the Hightail to Ale 5K will fall on this festive holiday! Be there May 5, 2017 in Detroit, MI for a beer filled afterparty with a 5K warm up!
2017-03-01 - Yesterday, I blew off the run
I felt kind of off yesterday so I blew off the run. Today, I started my day with the same blah feeling but decided to get out there and see if the run might change things up. It was a tough run with low energy, shortness of breath and it never got better. Feeling bummed out, I cut it short and jumped back into my work day where I immediately got swallowed up with the regular growing to-do list. About an hour in I took a break to get out my lunch and it occurred to me that I felt great, no blah to be found! Dang, the run worked and just like with many drugs, it takes a while to get into the system to do its work!
Never doubt the run,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner that finds more reasons to admit it with every run
PS: Planet Earth's favorite Invasion of Races will be here before you know it. Let's get intergalactic on April 22, 2017 in Dearborn, MI for 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, 26K, Full Marathon or Kids' Marathon! martianraces.com
PS: If you haven't taken a spin on the Potawatomi Trail in Pinckney, MI we highly suggest you do... on April 29th and 30th for the 31st Annual Trail Marathon Weekend! Road Ends 5 Mile, Trail Half and Full Marathon and 50K! You're in for a trail treat with this one! trailmarathon.com
2017-02-22 - Run, sun, fun
With this break from winter weather, getting ready for a spring event sure got easier! The Martian Invasion of Races in Dearborn is exactly 2 months away on April 22nd, 2017. This link will give you a training schedule to take you from zero to 10K, commit today while the early entry fee is low. If your long run is 8 miles this weekend, you can be ready for the Martian Half Marathon following the linked schedule!
On another note, I'm very excited that I will be introducing the films at the international trail running film festival, "Trails in Motion", at the Frmington Civic Theater on Saturday afternoon, March 25th. 2 hours of amazing cinematography, inspiration and motivation. We'll invade the brewpubs and bars in town after the films. There will also be an optional trail run beforehand. Less than 200 seats left, grab a couple and share this rare opportunity for the running community to get together outside of a race setting. Check out the trailer and sign up at this link!
Enjoy all this running life brings your way,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is ready to sit back like a couch potato for a couple hours watching running movies... After my run!
PS: If you haven't taken a spin on the Potawatomi Trail in Pinckney, MI we highly suggest you do... on April 29th and 30th for the 31st Annual Trail Marathon Weekend! Road Ends 5 Mile, Trail Half and Full Marathon and 50K! You're in for a trail treat with this one! trailmarathon.com
2017-02-15 - Hope springs eternal
The weather sucks but we just have to ignore it and get out the door ... like we always do! Work, money, power and war are similar to bad weather but once again, when we head out for a run, we find true peace in the moment. The gray sky seems not so gray and the nonsense of the world takes a back seat. What does this prove? Perhaps the run is the important part of our life and the rest is the nonsense we should strive to escape. The world may never be at peace and the sun may not come out for months but we can be out running and living a fulfilling, fun life in the moment... Winning the cold war! Ha!
The run can be the sun, get out and enjoy it,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, putting up the good fight
PS: I am so excited to have the Trails in Motion trail running film festival back in Michigan! I guarantee a beautifully produced motivational afternoon at the Farmington Civic Theater, a Michigan gem! I will introduce the films and after we will be headed to the brew pub next door, join me! Only 270 seats available, grab a couple! Check out the trailer!
2017-02-08 - Don't waste your run
I found myself almost done with my run when I realized I had not once looked around at the wonder of the world around me, and had not once listened to my footfalls or the sounds of nature. My mind remained a buzz, cluttered with all I should have left behind for the run to do it's magic. I know that it takes a conscious effort to clear the head and live fully in the moment. I had ignored all the triggers that usually bring me to the place that I feel completely alive and living in full color. I came to a dead stop, took a deep breath of cold outside air, erased my thoughts and started to feel the right now, a feeling as good as it gets.
Don't waste a moment of your run,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who promises myself to remain vigilant to never miss all that is part of this gift.
PS: I am so excited to have the Trails in Motion trail running film festival back in Michigan! I guarantee a beautifully produced motivational afternoon at the Farmington Civic Theater, a Michigan gem! I will introduce the films and after we will be headed to the brew pub next door, join me! Only 270 seats available, grab a couple! Check out the trailer!
2017-02-01 - Don't think, just run
This busy life has enough obstacles keeping us from the run, let alone having tough weather to wear down our resolve. One cold weather solution is to not overthink it, just overdress and run out the door. Once out and running, you can then consider the distance, the weather and if you should circle back and shed some clothes. If the wind is wicked, look to find a stretch that is protected, then, perhaps repeat it for a while, maybe for the entire run. Make it a point to notice something different on each lap, birds, types of trees, how your footprints are adding up in the snow. You find yourself getting more into it on each lap and heading home only because your window of time is up. Convinced?
Run out the door first, then give it some thought,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who must admit, I'm scraping the bottom of my bag of my "get us out the door" tricks but we will prevail.
PS: Last chance to save some bucks on the Super 5K is coming up! Online registration closes at NOON on Friday! Don't miss the Lady Gaga "Half Way" 5K show Sunday morning, February 5th! Weather is looking good! runsuperbowl.com
2017-01-25 - Run alone and connected
I use the free version of the Strava running App on my phone and I must admit, it helps motivate me out the door. Today's apps are not only a way to log miles and track totals but a way to interact with other runners. You can follow others and be followed, and there is the chance of getting kudos, even for my short, slow runs or walks, much like getting likes on social media! OK, exactly like it. You can use these apps on many of the GPS watches, but I like the security of running with my phone. (I do keep the ringer off to run in peace.) On almost every run I encounter something beautiful or interesting enough to snap a photo of to add to my post/log. When my day gets long or stressful, these images can plug me back into an energized moment from my run and clear the funk. And yes, by having the phone you may be the first to come upon an accident scene, dial 911, and save a life.
Run fully connected and peacefully alone,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner with an app on my phone to prove it.
PS: Want to train for the Martian Invasion of Races Half Marathon on April 22, 2017 in Dearborn, MI? There's still time! Join us for a spring half marathon training program starting this Saturday, January 28th. Check it out here!
PS: If you haven't taken a spin on the Potawatomi Trail in Pinckney, MI we highly suggest you do... on April 29th and 30th for the 31st Annual Trail Marathon Weekend! Road Ends 5 Mile, Trail Half and Full Marathon and 50K! You're in for a trail treat with this one! trailmarathon.com
2017-01-18 - Blue Wednesday running cures
My cure for this blue Wednesday is going over our schedule of fun events and planning the year out. Starting with Feb 5th, the Super 5K before the big game where we earn our spot on the couch when we show off our medals and put our finisher's pint glass to use. After this fun run, it's time to train a bit more serious to be ready for the Martian Invasion of Races on April 22nd, from 5K to the Full Marathon, commit now, follow one of these training schedules, and you can do this! Celebrate your Martian success with a party race like Hightail to Ale 5K, a fun, fit night in the "D" on Cinco De Mayo. Perhaps make 2017 your year to stick your foot in the water and enter one of the June, July or August T-Rex Sprint Triathlon Series races, yikes! All this planning fire will drive off the blues and motivate us out the door to prepare for the fun.
Sign up, say yikes, then get out today and put in some training miles,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, excited for the 2017 events and ready to ramp the miles back up .... Next month.
PS: Resolve to GIVE BACK in the New Year! We have a great schedule of races coming up, be the first to hear about volunteering here!
PS: If you haven't taken a spin on the Potawatomi Trail in Pinckney, MI we highly suggest you do... on April 29th and 30th for the 31st Annual Trail Marathon Weekend! Road Ends 5 Mile, Trail Half and Full Marathon and 50K! You're in for a trail treat with this one! trailmarathon.com
2017-01-11 - Happy belated New Year
Just because the New Year has started and your resolutions have not, don't let your head trick you into the idea that because you missed making some positive changes to your life by a few days that it's too late to do so! Every day of the year is a good day to set goals and commit to positive changes and if you falter along the way, every day is a good day to start over and re-commit yourself! Nothing good comes easy, never ever give up hope; the rewards along the way will be worth all the effort.
Remember, today is the first day of the rest of your running life,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who believes that New Years resolutions can lead us to be better at running ... and everything else in life. That said, I still need to get mine started ... I will today!
PS: Resolve to GIVE BACK in the New Year! We are looking for volunteers for the Super 5K on February 5th in Novi, MI! Volunteers receive awesome swag and a $30 voucher toward a future RF Events' event! HUT, HUT, Check it out!
PS: Do something daring in 2017! Hit the road with RF Events and join us in Nashville, Indiana on May 14th for the adventure of a lifetime! The terrain of Brown County, Indiana will bring you shock and awe! A distance for everybody! Half Marathon, Full Marathon, 50K, 50M and the world's most difficult 10K! Check it out!
2017-01-04 - Run... or jump out of a plane
Life can be tough, even when things seem to be going well. Post-holiday depression is a real thing but just the stress from day to day life can lead to midlife crisis or at least put our mood into a funky dark hole. Yikes! What's the answer? I don't know for sure but I'd bet something as simple as a bucket list can make a difference. What to put in there? My vote is for a half marathon, marathon, triathlon, ultra-marathon, whichever seems the least impossible to do (What did you expect?) Worst case scenario, you will get a clean T-shirt to wear after you finish each of them! Where to start? Go to rfevents.com/calendar and load up your bucket, if not, maybe you could buy a Harley, learn to pole dance or jump out of a plane!
Get out for a head clearing run,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is planning to run away from my problems!
PS: CHEERS! The Thirsty 3 is back in 2017 and better than ever! This not-so-serious running and drinking series will take you on a tour to 3 of Michigan's finest locally made beer, wine and hard cider properties. Learn more HERE!
PS: Join us at one or all three of our SERIOUS SERIES races for some awesome trail running. Head to Pinckney, MI on April 29th and 30th for Trail Weekend 5 Mile, 13.1M, 26.2M and 50K! Make your way to Novi, MI on June 3rd for Flirt With Dirt, a fun 5K and 10K. Round it all out in Laingsburg, MI on August 5th at The Legend 5M, 10M and 13.1M... Enter if you dare!
2016-12-29 - A time for totals
As we log the final miles of the running year, I'm reminded of the tremendous motivational value of keeping a log. (plenty of phone apps out there to help with this, I'm a fan of the free version of Strava). For some of us, our best race times are in the past but streaks and total mileage personal records are always out there. Totals, like the most mileage ran in a day, a week, a year. Streaks, like the most days ran in a row or some other motivational streak like number of weeks in a row that you ran at least 3 days. I'm sure many of you are looking at the year's totals and are getting out the door trying to hit a number with value to YOU. 500 miles, 1,000 miles, whatever, 200 days of running for the year ... If you don't keep a log, may I suggest you add it to your resolutions?
Every run counts, especially if you count them,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, with a pile of running logs from over the years to prove it ... some years better than others but always excited to plan for the next!
PS:Resolve to TRI in the new year! Everybody's favorite jurassic Summer Triathlon Series is back, hit the beach with us all summer long:Triceratops Tri - June 21, Pterodactyl Tri - July 19, and T-Rex Tri August 23!
PS: Hit the trails... and the road with us in 2017! Registration for all 3 Dances With Dirt races is now open! Gnaw Bone, IN - May 13, Devil's Lake, WI - July 8, HELL, MI - September 23
2016-12-22 - 'Tis the season to fit in a run
Personal time is precious in this busy holiday season and there is no better or efficient way to spend it than on the daily run. The satisfaction we get from our effort, pace, distance covered and dedication to our sport, especially in winter, assures us that we did not squander the gift. We return to our hectic lives mentally charged and ready to share ourselves (A better self) with the world again. Running, the gift that keeps on giving...
On race day, our personal pursuits come together as we share our pain, pleasure, glory and even defeat, taking the running experience to the astral plane, elevating the joy of a life fully lived to a place unexplainable to the non-running world. Be sure to give yourself the gift of motivation for the New Year, no goal is attained without setting it first. Click and commit! http://rfevents.com/event-calendar
A time to get the max from the minimum,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who knows that even a short run can be sweet, so squeeze one in!
PS: Resolve to TRI in the new year! Everybody's favorite Summer Jurassic Triathlon Series is back, hit the beach with us all summer long:Triceratops Tri - June 21, Pterodactyl Tri - July 19, and T-Rex Tri August 23!
PS: Hit the trails... and the road with us in 2017! Registration for all 3 Dances With Dirt races is now open! Gnaw Bone, IN - May 13, Devil's Lake, WI - July 8, HELL, MI - September 23... DANCESWITHDIRT.COM
2016-12-15 - All runs are a gift
Some days the run comes to us like a wrapped gift, like an inheritance from a long lost relative that is unexpected, but makes us smile. Other days, the run is a bloody battle with ourselves, the elements, and seemingly uncontrollable forces of the universe, teaming up against us. When we get these runs done, it's not with a smile but a personal pride that runs down to our soul, giving us a glimpse of strength and courage we may not have known we had.
Fight the good fight,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who says, bring it on!
PS: Registration for the Thirsty 3 Series is open!This not-so-serious running and drinking series will take you on a tour to 3 of Michigan's finest locally made beer, wine and hard cider properties. Learn more HERE!
PS: Registration for all three Serious Series races is OPEN! Join us at one or all three for some awesome trail running. Head to Pinckney, MI on April 29th and 30th for Trail Weekend 5 Mile, 13.1M, 26.2M and 50K! Make your way to Novi, MI on June 3rd for Flirt With Dirt, a fun 5K and 10K. Round it all out in Laingsburg, MI on August 5th at The Legend 5M, 10M and 13.1M... Enter if you dare!
2016-12-08 - The Obsessed Runner explains
When I say I am an admitted obsessed runner, it doesn't necessarily mean I run as much as others I know, or as fast. Actually, because of my passion for everything running, I may actually be a bit conservative with my personal running knowing that overuse injuries can stop me from my daily run, a painful reality I have learned over my 40 years as a runner. I also make family a priority ahead of my running, knowing that my life without them would be a life without joy, including my running life. That said, I have made running a major focus, from starting running clubs, opening a chain of running stores (Running Fit),starting RF Events which produces 26 annual runs, (like Dances With Dirt, Run Woodstock and The Martian Invasion of Races) that keep me busy around the clock half the weekends of the year... Not to mention, running in races most other weekends. So yes, almost every aspect of my daily life including most thoughts and dreams make me an admitted obsessed runner.
Run smart, run forever,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who gets to spend most of my day surrounded by the creative, passionate runners on staff at RF Events, runners that work hard all year to create the kind of events that will keep our passion alive.
PS: Have you heard? Registration for all three Serious Series races is OPEN! Join us at one or all three for some awesome trail running. Head to Pinckney, MI on April 29th and 30th for Trail Weekend 5 Mile, 13.1M, 26.2M and 50K! Make your way to Novi, MI on June 3rd for Flirt With Dirt, a fun 5K and 10K. Round it all out in Laingsburg, MI on August 5th at The Legend 5M, 10M, and 13.1M... Enter if you dare!
2016-12-01 - High of 29, are you ready?
The long term weather forecast shows a high of 29 a week from today, will you be ready to run? Now is the time to make sure you have the proper winter run gear so you won't have an excuse to not get out the door! Jacket, gloves, hats, wicking layers, shoe traction like Yaktrax or something similar and a small running pack to shed layers or put them on. That said, just getting this stuff together can get you excited about the challenge of a wintery run. Don't procrastinate, get ready today!
Be prepared ... To run!
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who wrote this to guilt myself into preparing ... Today!
PS: Another way to enjoy the winter runs is to plan a winter escape or two. I find breaking winter into manageable pieces helps get us through winter with our running intact. A perfect way to split the season is to join us in the sun the week of February 10-17, an all-inclusive trip to the Mayan Riviera, YIKES! Deadline to sign up is next Monday, December 5th. I'll throw a party at my house to get to know each other before we go, a week out on Feb. 3rd. Email me with questions!
PS: Santa's Helpers needed! Saturday Afternoon, December 10th in Dexter, MI, for the Holiday Hustle. A time to give back to the sport ... And get a $30 race voucher for a future event! Your help will make a $10,000 donation to local charities possible!
2016-11-24 - Run short... but run
These are the times that try runner's souls, the long, dark, cold, busy, days of the holiday season. A time full of excuses, a time when just getting out the door for a run requires super human strength. This is a time to make a personal commitment to consistency. Perhaps a self-promise to get out the door no less than 3 days a week for no less than 3 miles, or any bare minimum numbers that give you some sense of fulfillment. Forget training schedules and the high mileage weeks of the past, pick numbers that won't scare you off from the daily run. Perhaps a new mantra, short runs, that get done, rule!
Hang tough and get out the door,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who will be rooting for you ... And me!
PS: The next couple months are a time to enjoy a few silly, fun races just to see the other runners who are managing some consistency so you know you are not alone! Perhaps I'll see you at the Holiday Hustle 5K December 10th, http://runholiday5k.com/. The Bigfoot Snowshoe 5K & 10K January 21st http://runsnow.com/ or the Super 5K, Sunday February 5th, http://runsuperbowl.com/ by then it will be time to fire up the mileage for spring ... So enjoy the break!
2016-11-17 - Run and give thanks
We are blessed to be runners and this glorious November weather is just another reason for us to give thanks. I'm a huge fan of Thanksgiving day, a time to count our many blessings, a day to run, then get together with friends and family, a time to use the words "thank you" a lot. Not all our days will be diamonds and we will all face dark days, this is the season that reminds us to find ways to bring some light to the darkness others are facing today.
Run and give thanks,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is blessed.
PS: Yes, Thanksgiving Day is a week off but by next Wednesday we will be in full Holiday mode and ignoring email!
PS: The Ann Arbor Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day will be donating at least $5,000 to the Chad Tough Foundation, if you click here and watch the video, warning, it won't be without tears. http://www.chadtough.org/ Join us Thanks Giving morning as we sweat, smile and give thanks together as a running community and yes, earn our spot on the couch and show off our fun Turkey finisher's medals. Enter at http://theturkeytrot.com/ Your entry will add a couple more bucks to our donation. Please consider making an additional donation if you can.
PS: Speaking of giving back, registration is now open for the Shamrocks and Shenanigans 5K and 1K on March 12, 2017! A fun run around downtown Ann Arbor with GREAT swag to support an AWESOME cause. Shamrocks and Shenanigans benefits Save A Heart, an organization that raises funds to benefit patients and their families at the Michigan Congenital Heart Center at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital. Check it out: http://runshamrocks.com!
2016-11-10 - Run away from politics
The ability to endure that we learn from our running life may not have seemed helpful when it came to this seemingly endless election year. That said, running does give us a place to sort out the world, it gives us time alone, away from the media, the pundits' and the rhetoric, a time to clear our heads enjoy the simple freedoms we have in this amazing county.
May your run give you peace and renewed hope,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who has a hard time thinking pessimistically on the run, and I like that.
PS: Psssssssst... Once in a lifetime deal here... We're proud of you for surviving a chaotic election year. As a reward, we are opening up the floodgates on the ever elusive Dances With Dirt Hell Relay! Grab a team and secure your spot! Spots are first come first serve, nab one here! Not sure what the Dances With Dirt Hell Relay is? Get the scoop here.
PS: Did you know that age group winners, 5 deep in 5 year age groups get pumpkin pies at the Ann Arbor Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning? Did you also know they give awards to the top 3 ugliest sweaters, top 3 best holiday themed costumes, and awards to the top themed group of 5 or more people! To top it all off... hot chocolate will be served, and the turkey finisher's medal for the 5K is awesome! Enter today at theturkeytrot.com.
2016-11-03 - The power of the run
I love extremes ... But I must admit, glorious fall days also rock the run! Don't you love a fall run that starts in the cold, dark morning, heads through a breathtaking sunrise, then, as the day quickly heats up, leaves you sweating like it's a summer day! There is a bit of magic in a run that takes you from cold to warm, and night into day. It's not easy to explain, but it seems to give the satisfaction and feeling of a very long run in just a short time, powerful, like a run that lasted 2 days and only took an hour!
Get out there,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who loves the power of the run.
PS: Did you know that age group winners, 5 deep in 5 year age groups get pumpkin pies at the Ann Arbor Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning? Did you also know they give awards to the top 3 ugliest sweaters, top 3 best holiday themed costumes, and awards to the top themed group of 5 or more people! To top it all off... hot chocolate will be served, and the turkey finisher's medal for the 5K is awesome! Enter today at theturkeytrot.com.
PS: The Martian Invasion of races is back and better than ever. Join us April 22, 2017 in Dearborn, MI, on Planet Earth for 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, 26K, Full Marathon or Kids' Marathon! A fun theme, a distance for everybody, NEW Half and Full Marathon courses, and glow in the dark medals for ALL finishers! martianraces.com
2016-10-26 - The Passionate Runner
This running and fitness lifestyle is a blessing. I cannot imagine life without a passion, better yet, a positive passion. I was driving behind a truck with lots of stickers about field training dogs, dog events, even a dog vanity plate. Much of it made no sense to me... much like a 26.2 sticker might not make sense to them, but you could feel the passion. The meaning of life? Perhaps not, but certainly a huge and important part to a fulfilled and complete life, making getting out the door a priority you don't want to mess with! Get out and run, it is essential for your happiness and wellbeing. How's that for justification!
Run, be fulfilled and if you want to, put an oval sticker on your car!
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is blessed with a passion
PS: HUT! HUT! Registration for the Super 5K is now open! Join us Sunday morning, February 5th in Novi, MI for a fun 5K with tons of SWAG! Get off the couch and get your run in before the big game. Check it out HERE!
PS: Please consider joining up for a bit of Trail Clean up on the Dances With Dirt and Run Woodstock trails. This is an opportunity for us that use the trails, to maintain the trails we share with others, and those that need trail volunteering for certain races, and for those that want to help and make a little piece of the planet a bit nicer. Bring work gloves, and optionally, a brush trimming tool of some kind. Click here for more.
2016-10-19 - Running is illigocal
As Spock would say about running, it's illogical. The sweat, pain and the energy used to get from point A to point B may seem pointless, perhaps even wasteful to someone without deeper knowledge about what the runner is experiencing. In ways, running has aspects similar to art, music and religion. Without personally experiencing what we experience, even a well-delivered explanation would fall short. For these reasons, many of us were forced to run for the first time, or perhaps tricked into it. However it happened, we obviously glimpsed something hiding below the surface, something that made us run again, and again, and again, with each run adding to the richness of what the run gives back.
Get out and defy logic,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner
PS: Come join me for some "vacation running", a term that the sedentary world would truly call illogical. February 10 - 17, 2017 I'm heading to a first class all-inclusive resort, the kind your family and friends would love to join you at. You don't even have to tell them it's an active trip, you'll be back from your run or walk before they realize you were missing. Check HERE for more info!
PS: Please consider joining up for a bit of Trail Clean up on the Dances With Dirt and Run Woodstock trails. This is an opportunity for us that use the trails, to maintain the trails we share with others, and those that need trail volunteering for certain races, and for those that want to help and make a little piece of the planet a bit nicer. Bring work gloves, and optionally, a brush trimming tool of some kind. Click here for more.
2016-10-12 - Get your butt out the door war
To send a get out the door motivational message during these glorious fall days may seem to be a wasted effort to some, but all of us will soon have to get in our runs during the cold, dark mornings or evenings, as daytime continues to shrink. It's never easy but always worth it. A high lumen LED headlamp along with an even brighter hand held light can tear a hole through the dark and by overdressing a bit, the punch of the cold can be reduced to a light slap that we can defend against, giving us the edge to win round one of this six month, cold fight. I'm in your corner and cheering like mad!
Never let up,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, hoping for a victorious running season with far more wins than losses in the get our buts out the door column!
PS: An additional weapon in this get out the door fight is to be signed up for at least one event in each or the upcoming cold months. Events give us incentive to keep the training alive and lining up with our peeps reminds us that we are not in this dark, cold, battle alone.
- November 12th, Vasa Trail Run, Traverse City, 5K, 10K, 25K
- November 24th, Thanksgiving Day, The Ann Arbor Turkey Trot 5K and 1K
- December 10th, The Holiday Hustle 5K and 1 mile in Dexter
- January 21st, Bigfoot Snowshoe 5K, 10K, Traverse City
- February 5th, The Super 5K, Super Bowl Sunday morning
- March 12, Shamrocks and Shenanigans, Ann Arbor
PS: Here is that sneak peak of our 2017 CALENDAR! Be sure to pick up your magnet at the Detroit Free Press Marathon Expo... and plan your year with RF Events!
2016-09-28 - The best day to run is... Today!
Unlike so many other sports our running season never comes to an end... We don't have to pack away our gear at the end of the year because there are 365 days and every day is ours! The seasons change and today we might bring warmer gear to the top of the pile but it's a wonderfully simple sport so it all fits on a shelf or two. The best time of year to run and the best day to run is always, TODAY! All we have to decide is how far and what to wear. That said... Fall is pretty dang special. Ha.
Run like there will be no tomorrow,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who likes the leaves, snow, rain and sunshine to fall on me during the run.
PS: Crisp fall weather, apple orchards, costumes, zombies and RUNNING, the perfect combination, join me for Run Scream Run at Wiard's Orchard and Haunted Thrill Park Saturday morning October 8th. Come to Friday night packet pick up and hit the Night Terrors to get in the mood! Yikes!
PS: Perhaps the oldest family running tradition is the Turkey Trot. Sharon and Ron Suffolk of Good Boy Events started "The Ann Arbor Turkey Trot" in downtown Ann Arbor, on Thanksgiving day 10 years ago, as Ron celebrates his 70th year of life he has placed this race in the hands of RF Events, insuring this tradition to go on. We are excited to keep the torch lit! Start or continue the tradition, grab the family and join us! http://theturkeytrot.com/ Run, then eat, it gets no better!
2016-09-12 - Running traditions bring meaning to life
Our sport's roots go back to the ancient Greek Olympics, add to that historic races like the 121 year old Boston Marathon and we can agree that running as a sport is not a fad and has an excellent foundation. That said, most of us won't be running in the Olympics and even qualifying for Boston may be a stretch but we each have our own traditions that personally motivate us and add so much to our running lives. I love this stuff and have devoted much of my life to creating events that I can only hope are worthy of tradition, especially family friendly races where we can invite non-runners to join us for their first 5K and to start family traditions, like "Run Scream Run" and "Scrumpy Skedaddle" in the fall, "The Holiday Hustle" in December or the "Super 5K" on Super Bowl Sunday. We will all be gone someday but these family traditions, that we can play a part in starting, will live on.
Start a tradition and become part of the run forever,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who loves this stuff.
PS: Perhaps the oldest family running tradition is the Turkey Trot. Sharon and Ron Suffolk of Good Boy Events started "The Ann Arbor Turkey Trot" in downtown Ann Arbor, on Thanksgiving day 10 years ago, as Ron celebrates his 70th year of life he has placed this race in the hands of RF Events, insuring this tradition to go on. We are excited to keep the torch lit! Start or continue the tradition, grab the family and join us! http://theturkeytrot.com/ Run, then eat, it gets no better!
PS: Speaking of tradition, families and FUN... Registration for the Holiday Hustle is NOW OPEN! Don't miss this festive tradition in Dexter, MI on Saturday afternoon, December 10th! Festive puff-ball beanie to all entrants, FUN gingerbread man medals to all 5K finishers... Check it out!
2016-09-14 - Ignore your self-placed running limits
I'm just coming down from a weekend of runner's high at Run Woodstock where at the finish line, I was continually reminded that us humans are the most incredible endurance creatures on the planet and for sure we are designed to run. I greeted Ashley Truan at the end of her 22 hour, 100 mile winning run on the trails. She looked as fresh, happy and fulfilled as many 5K finishers. Yes, we are not all created the same and our athletic capabilities vary greatly based on genetics and life experiences but we all have (sometimes buried) in us, the incredible drive of the human spirit that can be harnessed to take us to places far past the limits we often put on ourselves.
Ignore the limits you have placed on yourself and attempt to accomplish what seems impossible,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is inspired by you
PS: Volunteer to be on the Dirt Crew for Dances With Dirt, September 24th and play a part in fulfilling the goals of the 50 mile and 50K runners as they attempt to move their outer limits, it may open up your world to new possibilities. Join me! Check it out here!
PS: We have loved having a HOT, HOT summer... but we won't lie, it has been getting us excited for beautiful fall days! Join us for fall running in the apple orchards at Almar Orchards in Flushing, MI on October 2, 2016. Hard cider, running and an all you can eat pancake breakfast... we're in! runscrumpy.com
2016-09-07 - Every run has it's place
I love the peaceful solitude of a training run alone, my time to sort out the tangled world. I also like to run with friends, some for the conversation where pace and distance matter little and some for the motivation where pace and distance are maxed and challenged. Last but not least, I love to line up on race day and find out where I stand, mostly to compete with myself but yes, to see how my time compares to others and to duke it out.
Go find the run you need,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner with a lot of good choices when it comes to the run, dig it!
PS: WE WANT YOU on the DIRT CREW! Dances With Dirt Hell is right around the corner! Join us September 24th weekend and get a little dirt in your shorts! This race is a must see to believe... Get in on the fun HERE!
PS: We have loved having a HOT, HOT summer... but we won't lie, it has been getting us excited for beautiful fall days! Join us for fall running in the apple orchards at Almar Orchards in Flushing, MI on October 2, 2016. Hard cider, running and an all you can eat pancake breakfast... we're in! runscrumpy.com
2016-08-31 - Run aware, run with care
Karen McKeachie, an old friend and amazing athlete was killed this week when she was struck by a pickup truck while out on a training ride. www.freep.com/story Tragedy is a harsh reminder of how fragile and precious life is, a brutal reality check of the risks we face every day as part of our active lifestyle. All the cool things in life seem to come with a bit of risk and danger but missing out on them can bring on stress and depression. The answer is to respect the risks, mitigate them to the best of our abilities and head out the door to live life fully.
Run, bike and swim smart,
Randy Step, a shocked, saddened, admitted obsessed runner and triathlete who suggests you avoid roads as much as possible because distracted driving has changed the game. When on the run, head to the trails, parks and woods, find a running friend, ditch the headphones, alter your routes, always run against traffic and respect the weather. On the bike, find routes with wide shoulders, ride with traffic, yield to traffic when appropriate, be predictable, stay alert at all times and don't flip off the jerks even though they deserve it. Dang.
2016-08-24 - Your own records are meant to be broken
It's a combination of things that get us out the door and running each day. One that can fire us up big time are stories of inspiration, stories of medals won and world records being broken. It's a gift to see these larger than life people living and performing on the edge, way beyond any comfort zone. When we watch the young American, Galen Rupp, drop his pace to 4:40 per mile at mile 22 of the Olympic marathon to run with the world's best and medal in only his second marathon, or read about the American, Zack Bitter, running 7 minute pace for 100 miles for a new worlda record. It can only help us to imagine moving our edge out a bit farther than we what we thought was possible. Let the accomplishments of others give us the OK to dream a bit bigger.
Live, train and run without limits
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is in a bit of post Summer Olympic depression ... Soon to be broken, as I watch 200 brave souls line up to run 100 miles at Run Woodstock. Come join me for a soul cleansing, inspirational weekend in the woods. Perhaps volunteer, run a trail 5K or whatever, to witness the seemingly impossible, to get inspired and to dig the live performances on stage, a sure cure for the post-Olympic blues ... and a lot more. Go to
runwoodstock.com and click on the volunteer or event entry tabs, dig?
PS: We have loved having a HOT, HOT summer... but we won't lie, it has been getting us excited for beautiful fall days! Join us for fall running in the apple orchards at Almar Orchards in Flushing, MI on October 2, 2016. Hard cider, running and an all you can eat pancake breakfast... we're in! runscrumpy.com
2016-08-17 - There are good days ahead!
For those of us increasing our weekly mileage for a long fall race ahead, feel good runs are few and far between and we often wake up up as tired as when we went to sleep. The good runs will come when we finally plateau and groove into the mileage, the great runs will come as we taper and sharpen, the real reward comes on race day. Hang tough, you are not alone out there, it just seems like it. When you line up race day you will be joining the thousands of us that have been out there silently suffering with you, all hoping to experience greatness!
Get out and suffer and the reward will come,
Randy Step, an Admitted obsessed runner who always looks forward to the race day reward.
PS: We are loving this HOT, HOT summer... but we won't lie, it does help get us excited for beautiful fall days! Join us for fall running in the apple orchards at Almar Orchards in Flushing, MI on October 2, 2016. Hard cider, running and an all you can eat pancake breakfast... we're in! runscrumpy.com
PS:GOBBLE GOBBLE, runners! It is never too early to plan your festive family and fun filled turkey day! Join us Thanksgiving Day, November 24th, before all the turkey and pies for a fun family 5K and 1K in downtown Ann Arbor, MI! NEW for 2016, medals to all finishers and much more! Don't miss the TURKEY TROT!
2019-08-11 - Running Green
We are blessed to have chosen a passion that has low environmental impact and gets us out to enjoy the natural beauty of our world. When I think of sports like golf, I see power mowers, fertilizer and millions of gallons of water being used, Even swimming can mean heated, treated pools. The good news is that there is far more awareness of our impact on the planet and all sports are seeking ways to lower this impact, from environmentally friendly ways to grow and maintain grass to solar heating for pools. Here at RF Events we are working to divert event trash from the landfill as we work towards the goal of Zero Waste. We hit our record for the year last weekend at the Legend Trail Run with over 97% landfill diversion thanks to our Team Zero Waste volunteers, our Zero Czar Jeff Jackson and help from Can'd Aid.
Run, and feel good about it,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is proud of the RF Events Team.
PS: TIME TO JOIN THE GROOVIEST CREW OF THE YEAR! Run Woodstock Roadie registration is NOW OPEN! Positions available from the first tent up Wednesday, September 7th to the last campsite is cleaned up on September 11th! Check it out HERE!
PS:GOBBLE GOBBLE, runners! It is never too early to plan your festive family and fun filled turkey day! Join us Thanksgiving Day, November 24th, before all the turkey and pies for a fun family 5K and 1K in downtown Ann Arbor, MI! NEW for 2016, medals to all finishers and much more! Don't miss the TURKEY TROT!
2016-08-03 - Winner, Winner, Turkey Dinner
We have some fun brainstorming days back here in the event office, thinking of ways to make your race experience the best it can be. Our number one goal is to produce events you can trust your training to, with a safe, accurate, and timed course. We then add a hoaky theme, fun swag and perhaps beer and wine. Heck, we all need to be rewarded for our efforts!
Today we finalized plans for the Ann Arbor Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day, the 11th annual! Plans like pumpkin pies, 5 deep in 5 year age groups, medals to all entrants and Turkeys to the overall winners! The hot chocolate aid station is back and of course... Santa! Run, then eat all day. The turkey trot, perhaps the greatest tradition in running outside of the Olympic games!
Run for the turkeys,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is thankful to have fun stuff on the calendar, events that get us all out the door training!
PS: Speaking of thankful, at RF Events we are forever thankful to our incredible volunteers... speaking of volunteers, what are you doing this weekend? Come play in the woods with us at The Legend, Saturday, August 6th in Laingsburg, MI! Volunteers receive a sweet volunteer shirt, $30 toward a future RF Events' Event, a fun day and a million thanks!
PS: The volunteer fun doesn't end there! Ever dreamed of working at a vineyard? Now is your chance! Running Between the Vines on August 13th, 2016 in Jackson, MI at the gorgeous Sandhill Crane Vineyards is a gorgeous day with great vibes! Learn more HERE!
2016-07-28 - The elusive rave run
Some runs just suck, some runs are OK but I just had my first fast, fun and amazing feeling run in a while and can honestly say, it was worth the wait. Rave runs like these, sometimes few and far between, keep getting us out the door. Kind of like pulling the slot machine handle over and over, or casting a line just one more time, hoping for the magic to strike.
May you hit the jackpot on your next run,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who's faith in running is renewed and is pleasantly sore and smiling. (Few things is life leave you feeling this way J)
PS: HARD CIDER, PANCAKES, RUNNING! Do we have your attention? Head to Almar Orchards in Flushing, MI on October 2, 2016 for the Scrumpy Skedaddle 5K and 10K! Medals and mugs to all finishers, long sleeve cotton shirts to all entrants, hard cider tasting and all you can eat pancake breakfast at the afterparty!
PS: Come play in the woods with us on August 6, 2016! The Legend 5 Mile and Half Marathon at Sleepy Hollow State Park in Laingsburg, MI takes you through 2600 acres of hardwood forest, prairie grassland, and around several Michigan lakes. NEW for 2016, medals for ALL distances! The Legend continues,
2016-07-20 - Take hot weather runs seriously!
Most of us are mired in our lifestyles with responsibilities of family, jobs, bills, and piles of unfinished work and projects that can stop us in our tracks as we jump out of bed for the daily run. It is as if the enemy has thwarted our attack on this new day. We may awake to run plans that get sidetracked within minutes. The truth is, getting out the door is never easy, and at times, just getting started requires a super human feat. You have blown through that barrier plenty of times, the trick is to keep up the momentum and know thy enemy!
That said, the weather is never a reason to skip a run. As you know, I love extremes, especially when it comes to the weather we run in. Life in the middle of the road will get you run down! When its 10 below or over 90, a simple run becomes extreme and requires planning and thought. It also comes with a bit of danger, but you may have noticed, all the cool stuff is dangerous so no need to avoid it, just take it seriously and pack enough water.
Run for the shade,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who will be running short shaded loops on trails, never far from a lake to jump in.
PS: Come play in the woods with us on August 6, 2016! The Legend 5 Mile and Half Marathon at Sleepy Hollow State Park in Laingsburg, MI takes you through 2600 acres of hardwood forest, prairie grassland, and around several Michigan lakes. NEW for 2016, medals for ALL distances! The Legend continues, enter if you dare!
PS: Join us in Jackson, MI on August 13th for Michigan's most beautiful half marathon! Running Between the vines is a high class run with a high class finish party! Shirts and wine tasting (with snack food pairings!) to all entrants, finisher's medals and glasses to all finishers! RUNVINES.COM
2016-07-13 - Savor the pain!
Today's run was, to say the least, difficult. From the first step to the last, including the 3 times I had to walk a bit to catch my breath, it took all I had to keep moving forward. The planned 8 miles ended at 5.8. The pace was pathetic, the effort to accomplish so little on the other hand, felt heroic, far more so than the finish of some marathons I have run. This painful struggle will no doubt be the highlight of my day. Only those who run can possibly understand why I'm wearing a smile.
Savor the pain, you worked hard to feel this bad,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, feeling fulfilled by my morning run, and happy not to be going through this life in a couch potato haze.
PS: Come play in the woods with us on August 6, 2016! The Legend 5 Mile and Half Marathon at Sleepy Hollow State Park in Laingsburg, MI takes you through 2600 acres of hardwood forest, prairie grassland, and around several Michigan lakes. NEW for 2016, medals for ALL distances! The Legend continues, enter if you dare!
PS: Join us in Jackson, MI on August 13th for Michigan's most beautiful half marathon! Running Between the vines is a high class run with a high class finish party! Shirts and wine tasting (with snack food pairings!) to all entrants, finisher's medals and glasses to all finishers! RUNVINES.COM
2016-07-07 - Get out the door!
As runners, we are far more aware of our health status than the average American; we are in touch with our body because we ask a lot of it daily and can tell when things are even a bit out of whack. I continually talk to runners who have found out serious health issues in their early stages because of this awareness, certainly an advantage to get things back on the right track, perhaps saving our life. The same insight makes runners good patients, we will do what it takes to recover and get back out there.
That said, the same goes for our diet, as runners we find out what foods work for us, and the fact is the ones that do are pretty healthy. We naturally avoid high fat meals that don't allow us to get out for a run, either from sluggishness or digestive issues. Running, the sport that keeps on giving, as long as you keep getting out the door.
So, get out the door!
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner, who feels that I am coached through this life by my running!
PS: Come play in the woods with us on August 6, 2016! The Legend 5 Mile and Half Marathon at Sleepy Hollow State Park in Laingsburg, MI takes you through 2600 acres of hardwood forest, prairie grassland, and around several Michigan lakes. NEW for 2016, medals for ALL distances! The Legend continues, enter if you dare!
PS: The August fun continues at the Red Carpet Run! Join us on the 26th in Detroit for a Friday night 5K and party with a CHAMPAGNE FINISH! Shirts to all entrants, NEW for 2016 medals to all finishers, and a (filled!) custom finisher's champagne flute. Join us for a rockin' night! redcarpetrun.com
2016-06-29 - Permission to run then watch TV
The Track and Field Olympic trials start on Friday, perhaps the only legitimate excuse to turn on a TV or live feed on a summer, 4th of July weekend. Might I suggest an early run each day to ward away a bit of the guilt that comes with this pleasure? What can be more inspiring than watching America's best in a final heat as we fire up the grill and celebrate our freedom on independence day!
Let freedom ring,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who needs to figure out how to use the remote to turn on the TV ... Every 4 years.
PS: Come play in the woods with us on August 6, 2016! The Legend 5 Mile and Half Marathon at Sleepy Hollow State Park in Laingsburg, MI takes you through 2600 acres of hardwood forest, prairie grassland, and around several Michigan lakes. NEW for 2016, medals for ALL distances! The Legend continues, enter if you dare!
PS: The August fun continues at the Red Carpet Run! Join us on the 26th in Detroit for a Friday night 5K and party with a CHAMPAGNE FINISH! Shirts to all entrants, NEW for 2016 medals to all finishers, and a (filled!) custom finisher's champagne flute. Join us for a rockin' night! redcarpetrun.com
2016-06-23 - Permission to blow off your run today
We are only as strong as our weakest link. This is a hard concept for us passionate runners, when running seems so complete on its own. The reality is that we use the same muscles through the same range of motion, causing imbalance and reduced flexibility. One false step out of our normal range of motion or a strength requirement beyond what our running calls for and we are toast. So, I give you permission to blow off the day's run, ONLY, if you replace it with a decent session of core work like yoga, strength training, planks, lunges or similar torture.
Run complete,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner with some weak, rusty links in my chain that need work, dang.
PS: With 2 sessions of yoga during Run Woodstock weekend our chain will be rockin', dig? http://runwoodstock.com/
PS: Get a workout and a healthy meal in! Join us for a FREE event, June 27th.. The Big Salad Raffle Run! Come out and run or walk some miles with us and try for your chance at a FREE PAIR of Brooks Shoes as well as other awesome raffle items! Items include Big Salad gift cards, RF Events Gift Cards and FUN SWAG! 1-6 miles. the more miles... the more chances you have at WINNING! Grab a friend and RSVP Here!
2016-06-15 - Running Saves Lives
No matter how advanced we become as a society there will be dangerous situations where your level of fitness could determine life or death. I was once in an accident situation where one person stayed to stabilize an injured person while one ran for help, no cell service was available and time was critical. Rescue situations occur daily where the strength and endurance of the first responders save lives. That said, there will be situations that occur where we become the first responders, this might happen while out on a trail or remote road run where we come across a situation where our strength or speed could make all the difference.
Get out for a run, it may prepare you to save a life, perhaps your own,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is reminded daily by tragic news stories that my fitness could make the difference between being the one needing to be helped and the one able to help others.
PS: Get a workout and a healthy meal in! Join us for a FREE event, June 27th.. The Big Salad Raffle Run! Come out and run or walk some miles with us and try for your chance at a FREE PAIR of Brooks Shoes as well as other awesome raffle items! Items include Big Salad gift cards, RF Events Gift Cards and FUN SWAG! 1-6 miles. The more miles... the more chances you have at WINNING! Grab a friend and RSVP Here!
PS: This is your best chance to get your team into the elusive Dances With Dirt Hell Relay on September 24, 2016! The goat opened up a few coveted spots for the wildest running day of the year, grab 5 of your friends and join us for an extremely fun day in the dirt! To grab up one of the spots before they are gone REGISTER HERE! Need more info? Check it out HERE!
2016-06-08 - Get out the door
Baby Goat here, the Head Goat's youngest 'kid' and admitted "not that obsessed runner". The goat is off celebrating his birthday so I thought I would slip into his hooves and ramble on!
GET OUT THE DOOR! The goat (Randy) has been writing midweek e-mails trying to motivate your butt out the door for years! I've rolled my eyes at my dad, and the "GET OUT THE DOOR" mantra more times than I can count... but I'm going to let you in on a little secret... GET OUT THE DOOR! I've been in a bit of a rut with my running, I am 16 weeks into a training plan and I'm beat! Last week I sucked it up and finally boarded the get out the door train... I hate to say he told me so, but my miles are up, my spirits are up, and I think I'm on my way out of this rut! Was there a lot of walking involved? Sure! Did I randomly PR a 10K on a Wednesday? YUP! It doesn't matter what you achieve out there, but I urge you to put your shoes and a smile on, don't look too hard at your watch or your schedule and have some FUN!
The Baby Goat, who is campaigning to make running FUN again in 2016.
PS: Did you know the Red Carpet Run was the brainchild of this little goat? Join me for a rockin' 5K, Friday night, August 26th in Detroit! Loud music, glamour, the star treatment... and a CHAMPAGNE FINISH! Shirts to all entrants, custom medals and (filled!) champagne flutes to all finishers! redcarpetrun.com
PS: We want YOU to volunteer at the Canton Liberty Run in Canton, MI on June 18th! This silly, themed run is a great way to kick off your Saturday! Volunteers receive a shirt, $30 voucher towards a future RF Events' event and an invitation to our super secret volunteer party!
2016-06-01 - Motivate your butt out the door
The goal of my midweek running rant is to motivate your butt out the door. Perhaps reading some feel good run related stuff will do just that:
There is a new single track trail to explore! RF Events recently donated $1,000 to help fund a well pump for the new trail head at Waterloo Recreation Area. The trail was made possible by a grant from DTE. Ribbon Cutting is June 17th, this is exciting stuff!
RF events is also on a mission in 2016 to get closer to Zero Waste at our events! We had a great start to our Zero Waste program Trail Race weekend. Of the nearly 500 total pounds of waste we processed, less than 50 ended up in the dumpster! The Zero Waste Team is full for Flirt with Dirt this weekend but be sure to check out joining Team Zero Waste HERE so you can get involved with this green team in the future!
Run, volunteer, run,
Randy Step, an admitted obsessed runner who is feeling thankful.
PS: I'm 60! I plan to party all year and I hope to see you out there! Check out my birthday special below.. an awesome chance to get into the wildest running day of the year!