2006-02-15 - Is a 20 Mile Training Run Long Enough for a 26 Mile Race?

My answer may surprise you. I believe 20 miles is actually too far to run in training. There is no such thing is an easy long run, at any pace. The stress to the body during a 20-mile training run can be straw that breaks your body. The 20-mile training run usually comes late in the marathon training schedule, a time when all systems are taxed to the max. This is a time you are most susceptible to sickness and injury.

Three Elements of a Marathon Schedule

1. Alternating Hard and Easy
Hard days are long or fast runs. Easy days are short, slow or ones spent in the arms of a LA-Z-BOY. I suggest at least one day off each week but you could miss all the easy days on the schedule and still do just fine. I don't suggest it.

Stretching - Warm Up, Cool Down

Sweat First!

Ideally you should stretch after you break a sweat. There is risk of injury when stretching cold muscles. Running about a half mile very slowly then stopping to stretch is ideal. During winter this is not practical so if you stretch before you run, be gentle. After the run, schedule 2 to 5 minutes to stretch.

Form: You Were Not Born With It

Often ignored but something to think about. Yes, you can change your form. Natural form is a myth. Some quirks you may have are ways your body deals with asymmetric differences. They may be necessary, but good form can be learned. Here are a few things to try on your next run.


A New Book from the Obsessed Runner Himself

Get Your Butt Out The Door